Keene Flats
Essex Co.
N.Y.Aug 8th 1875
Dear Pop.
I am off up here on my vacation. Yours of the 3rd incl [?] has just come to hand.
I wish I was in Hartford, for I'd have you come right down and see that young woman. I can't judge her qualifications for you. (By the way, I don't know if she can teach French)
If you wish to communicate with her, her address is
Elizabeth Welch
Asylum Ave.
Hartford.She hasn't what you call the "superior woman" air, being rather fat and jolly, but she is a superior woman all the same. Her experience as a teacher has been with children exclusively, I believe. If you would like to inquire of a teacher about her, I refer you to D. P. Corbin Hartford, Principal of the school in which she is now employed[.]
Miss Welch is well-bred, an earnest Christian and free of "go" [?] if I understand her.
You had better see her, or question her for yourself. I have said all I can. I will certainly notify Luke [?] of my succession to his office right off.
I wish to goodness you were up here among the mountains for a fortnight.
I think the O.C. [Olivet College] folks would have done the best thing to make you President, though Butterfield will do.
Yours aff.
J. H. Twichell[I am not sure who "Pop" is; Joseph Twichell's father died in 1863. My guess is that it was John Haskell Hewitt, a classmate (1859) at Yale University. Hewitt served as acting president of Olivet College until Horatio Butterfield became president in 1875.]