Newburgh October 19th 1835Some time since
timesome articles were printed in the New York Observer relative the [sic] a contemplated female seminary at South Hadley. I felt much interested in view of such an institution, and hoped before this to have heard something more particular respecting it, having been disappointed, and being interested on behalf of one who desires to avail herself of an opportunity to qualify herself for usefulness. Is my apology for thus addressing a stranger, to enquire whether the school is yet in operation or how soon it is probable it will be. we [sic] have not seen the circular referred to in the article No 1 in the Observer our information is limited altogether to the articles in that paper, by giving us a particular account of the progress of the institution, you willofoblige more than one who feels a deep interest in its prosperity[.]Mrs. Cynthia Corwin
Orange County
New York[in a different hand]
Nov 30th 1835[Cynthia Wells Corwin's eldest daughter, Elizabeth Wells Corwin, was 17 years old when Cynthia wrote this letter, so Cynthia's inquiry may have been about her daughter. Elizabeth did not attend the Seminary.]