Department of Zoology and Physiology
Wellesley College
Wellesley, MassachusettsDecember 10, 1929
Dear Miss Turner,
The note of appreciation was due in the opposite direction! So much time would not have slipped by, I am sure, had I not been rather busy carrying on work and taking care of a cold! It's all better now.
Our students were most appreciative of your talk and the youngster who wrote it up for the News sounded as though she was much interested and had gotten a great deal out of it. We seem to have so few all-college lectures on scientific subjects -- especially on physiology! So we felt quite "set up" and the Hygiene Department with us!
It certainly is lovely for Charlotte that she is to act in your place next year! Miss Moody was hoping that we might consider Charlotte for Wellesley next year, but I doubt if the opening would have been quite right for her yet. "After we get into the new building" there may be more opportunity for developing interesting new courses. We seem to have expanded the maximum that our present space will permit. There are some interesting things to work out, however, in connection with the courses we are giving. Laliah Curry has done good work in the two years she has been here and we wish we could persuade her husband-to-be to bring her to this part of the country so that she could stay on next year. But since we seem to be definitely losing her, we are on the lookout. Miss Moody asked me to write you to find out if you knew of any good candidates who will be in search of an instructorship next year. You know the type of person we need. Miss Hubbard seems to prefer a person with a PhD. She would have full responsibility for one course and would assist in the giving of two others.
We ceratinly [sic] did appreciate the interesting news you gave us just before you left! Helen and I shall be thrilled to hear which plan you decide to follow.
Miss Moody seems much better.
Again with best wishes and great appreciation, I am,
VerzP.S. Many thanks for the cards! Helen and I can use them very nicely. They are an excellent selection and we'd be glad to pay for them if you'll let us know how much.
[Verz Rogers Goddard was an assistant professor in zoology and physiology at Wellesley College in the 1929-1930 academic year. Julia Eleanor Moody was a professor of zoology. Laliah Florence Curry was an instructor of zoology. Marian Hubbard was a professor of zoology. There were two Helens in the department, so it isn't immediately clear which one Verz meant in this letter. Helen Warton Kaan was a visiting assistant professor of zoology, and Helen Brown Avery was an instructor of zoology.]