A Letter Written on Dec 8, 1898

[letterhead insignia clipped away]

Zu Hause.

Meine liebe Sadie.

I ought to have grabbed you in the Library tonight and talked to you. Then I wouldn't have had zu schreiben this. You know I can sprechen better than I can write - faster - anyway.

Of course you are coming to our fair next week. Won't you bring me two or three of those lovely roses or carnations, like you used to have al. last year. Ich habe the flower table.

Come down anyhow whether you bring me a flower [or] not. Bring your mater et pater auch dein Bruder.

Give my love to Baby next time you see her. I may to on the train Tuesday morning - to Fairfield anyway.

Es ist sehr late so Leb wohl
Gussie S.B.