A Letter Written on Nov 13, 1854

[Some paragraph marks added for ease of reading]

Palmyra Monday Nov 13. '54 -
Office -

I did not write my own darling yesterday because my time was mostly occupied with seeing my patients and other matters - through the day and when evening came. Harrison and I thought we would go up and hear Dr Redfield - after that it was too late to write so I thought I would put it off - though not without some chidings of conscience - till to day. How are you enjoying yourself over there away from the presence of your loving husband? You have been gone so long - it seems an age. You must come back - to thine own. He wants his sweetest near him again. He feels that thou art dearer to him than all else beside. He knows he loves you - loves you dearly - so you must haste and return.

I [saw?] Mrs Thayer this morn and she asked me when you were coming back. I told [her] I did not know. but I expected you the latter part of this week - she said she and the folks at the house thought it was about time for you to come home - she said they all missed you very much - and should be glad when you got back - Mollie is quite bad still with Rheumatism and fever - has not been out yet - Hest [?] was out to church yesterday for the first time since her accouchement - As I wrote you before it will be impossible for me to come after you though I should like to very much - but I cant get away. I may meet you in R. I'll see. You must thank our mother for me - for making the shirts and tell her I shall be under many obligations to her for her kindness as she has made two of them with long wristbands. say nothing about them to her - Darling dont [sic] you forget and to bring back these things that you have out there. I dont remember what they were - drawing paper - &c - your fur over coat - and I dont know what all -

For Wie's [?] heartburn she must avoid eating rich greasy food which is one great cause of the difficulty. Puls is good for heartburn. Put 5 or 6 drops of the tincture in a glass 2 thirds full of water and give her a desert [sic] spoon-full every 4 hours - if this does not relieve I send some Powders - which I think will - You may dissolve 7 of them in the above quantity of water - and give the same as the Puls - this affliction is often arrises [sic] during pregnancy and eases when that terminates.

You ask I have not as yet been out any where to call since you left me a lone widower. But I vow I will go every night if you dont hurry home - I think of going up on the hill with friend Harrison tonight I have not even called upon Miss Kimberly - I saw Olive the other day and she desired me to give her love to you and to tell you to write her I believe she said you had promised to. I have not yet needed another flannel shirt and shall try and make out until you get back. I wonder if you have drawn any since you have been gone - I am afraid not much. These pupils when they are not under the eyes of their instructors are very apt to forget their tasks - You must try and come home this week. Remember me to Mother Wie [?] Charlie and tell Charlie I guess the state has gone for Seymour[.] Is Charlie a "Know Nothing?["] -

Thine own -