A Letter written on Apr 15, 1915

Constantinople College

April 15, 1915

Dear Miss Turner -

Your long, chatty letter made Mary Lyon and me feel as if we had found you in a moment of leisure in the laboratory and we were much entertained & interested in the college news, our only regret being that you did not tell us enough about the Doctah. By the way, did she ever tell you that she advanced a sum last summer and did the girls pay their pledge to you fully? I have always been afraid the Doctah might lose and I did not wish her to advance the money. Our microscope cases still stand empty but we hope to fill them next year. "Faith is the substance of things hoped for," you know. Is it Charles Kingsley who speaks of "babies in bottles"? I ofen think of that this year but babies in bottles can go on doing their work quietly and lead a normal existence. I would probably talk the Zo. department blue in the face if I could see you all together. These spring days - beautiful almost to the point of paint - make us homesick for Williston Hall for the Zo. department and some other things!! However, work & pleasure go hand in hand and we have fifty frogs croaking in our fine glass tanks.

It is wiser not to write a long letter these days. I have some mercy on the censor, you know! Please tell the Doctah that we are all well & flourishing & the nightingales are singing amid fragrant blossoms & the waters are deep blue & the pink Judas trees are idyllic.

Please give my greetings to your mother. Greet all of our Zoölogy sisters "with a holy kiss." To the ten domestic work girls who gave the party, greetings!

Lovingly yours -
Louise B. Wallace.