Here's a Line for You745 Meridian Avenue,
Miami Beach.
April 5th.32.My dear Miss Turner;
More than one year ago, you sent me, from your retreat in Denmark, one of the most charming cards I ever saw. I still love to look at the dear, little children, the lights, the snow and the little birds. It all shows a sweet simplicity which our great country lacks, but which we may attain unto when we are a little older. Heaven grant it! Last xmas, you sent me a nice card of sympathy which I did appreciate, but I felt that the dear "Doctah" had given too sad a report of me. I had been quite ill in October and November, but was fairly gay and keeping house in December. Since that, I have been teaching, an hour and a half a day, in a beach-umbrella-school where my sister teaches all morning. The students are few in number and still fewer in energy in this mild climate where sea-bathing and loafing are more important than the nervous system of the frog or the wing of a butterfly! However, I have awakened some interest in the breasts of four damsels who have been my victims.
This resort is too beautiful and too relaxing for steady diet, I think, but my sister does not agree with me, so I do not know what our future will be. I expect to go north on April 15th., leaving her here.
Already you must be hearing some early arrivals in the bird-world, and I trust that many robins and bluebirds escaped the fierce and delayed blizzards. The meadow larks here are door-yard companions the whole year thru. When I go out to hang up little things on the clothes-line in our back yard, the larks startle me with their song almost at my heels. I can scarcely believe it when I recall how hard it was to get the bird-class in South Hadley to see the black crescent on the golden breast!
Thanking you for two xmas greetings, and wishing you health and success,
Very sincerely yours,
Louise B Wallace.
Postcard view of Venetian Bridge, Miami Beach, Fla.
The Singing Tower, Florida
[Pencil inscription on the reverse of one: "Bok's Tower."]