A Letter written on Jul 27, 1921

Woods Hole, Mass -
July 27 - 1921.

My dear Miss Turner -

A short time before coming to Woods Hole this week, I heard of the sorrow which has come to you. I well know that one is never fully prepared for the shock of separation, no matter how long the illness has been, and you will keenly miss doing the thousand and one little kindnesses which you did every day for mother.

I am so glad to know that you are somewhere in Maine where you may find some refreshing breezes. Dr. Clapp has mislaid your letter and so cannot give me your present address.

I do wish that you could step in and have a chat with us before I flit on August 1st. I had a nice chat with Alice Macdougall in the South Station two days ago, and she was looking unusually bright and well, having succeeded so wonderfully in raising money for Mount Holyoke.

I plan to go to New York on Monday and to sail away once more o'er the blue to experiences unknown (!!) on August 4".

Dr. Clapp has a letter "on the way" which she will finish soon, she says. We are having a fine time together.

With tenderest sympathy for you and loving wishes -

Sincerely your friend
Louise B Wallace -