Marine Biological Laboratory George M. Gray,
Curator of the
Supply Department.Woods Hol
le, Mass., June 21 - 1909My dear Miss Wallace,-
Your official order has arrived and every thing tallies except the large clams (mactra) these were not on the official list. I would like to have put them on but did not dare [sad face] but if you desire the price, 1/2 doz. will be .75¢. - Hope you will be here this summer. Thank you very much for your kind sympathy in regard to illness in my family. Mrs. Gray went south on account of illness, but it was my illness that caused her to go. She went with me, as I did not feel conditioned to go alone. We are both much better and I am begining [sic] to feel [happy face] instead of [sad face] as I did before I went.
With kindest regards
Very sincerely yours
Geo. M. Gray.