Providence, Jan. 11th '76.My Darling Only Sister:
It is not fair for me to write to Lizzie and Mary and not to find time to write to you; but the truth is that every time that I started to write, someone else had just written or was just going to.
In fact I stole the chance from Mother tonight, but told her that she might add a postcript [sic] to this; as if she would wait for premission [sic] to do so.
I am afraid this will be rather a rambling letter, as I am quite tired tonight, having attended a special meeting of the Shelter Board, and spent the remainder of the day at Auntie's.
Cousin Aurelia is about used up, having spent most of the day marking clothes for Auntie and Amanda. Allie spent the afternoon with us, but his strength seems to hold out better than the rest of us, perhaps because he did not do anything harder than making us laugh.
There is no meeting at the village tonight as the people wanted to go to the city and hear Dr. Taylor preach. Had it not been so cold tonight Allie and I might have had the same privile
dge. We went with Father and Cousin Aurelia to a prayer-meeting at the First last Thursday night. The Andems have joined that Church.Miss Sarah Covell is better and they now think that she will recover.
I am making a tidy for Aunt Sarah like the one you sent to Auntie. Auntie was much pleased with hers, and promises to write a letter of thanks, and says she will write to Lizzie and Mary.
I saw a tidy of the same style, but different pattern, at Mrs. Edwin Burgess' when I called there last Friday; and have made a mat like it. Fancy work has taken my time lately. Mrs. Gardiner brought down, today, a beautiful "hair-receiver," that was given to her in Westerly. I want to make one like it.
Mother, Cousin Aurelia, Allie and I went to the Fourth Church Sunday afternoon. We saw most of our friends and received their usual warm greetings.
Auntie received your letter yesterday, and Father, his box from Miss Morgan. The contents of the box amused us very much, but we are not quite sure that we understand the joke about the turtle.
We think that you Mt. Holyoke young ladies are very accomplished.
Lizzie's chocolate was splendid. I wrote to her yesterday.
Aunt Sarah went down stairs Christmas, took cold and has not been as well since. Lizzie had quite a number of nice presents.
Love from all.
Sister Carrie.[Allie is their brother Allin.]