A Letter Written on Jan 28, 1871

[Some paragraph marks added for ease of reading.]

Prov. Sat. 5. P.M. Jan. 28. '71.

As I cannot see my dear daughter tonight, I will spend a few moments writing to her.

Your very welcome letter, written and mailed Thursday was received this morning - it was not at the office last evening, George was there after the New York mail came in. Allie went down early this morning. We expected to hear you were coming home to night - but it is all right - we were very glad you were not on the road Thursday. We most earnestly hope that it will be good weather and good travelling and that there will not be anything to prevent your getting home next Tuesday - it seemes [sic] to take almost as long to get started for home as it did to go. -

Mr[s]. Blanchard will not want another visit from the country cousins. She did not think, she was taking a boarder for the winter when you came. - thank her for us, for all her kindness to you and tell her we should be glad to make some returns to her. Thank Mrs. Hammett for us - for making the beautiful sack, for all else that she has done for you, and thank Mary for all her kindness and attentions.

We hope you received father['s] letter to-day. - he has been nearly sick with a cold, but is better to-day - has been out to the Factory - he did not go out of the house yesterday. George sends love and says tell you & Mary he wishes you were here to go sleig[h]ing. he went to the farm this morning; this afternoon he carried Jennie, Olive and Lawrence Guild and Maria out to Wanskuck, then went down to Mattie Stephens to get Mr. Field to take Mr. Sampsons class tomorrow but he was engaged. Allie has been to the Teachers Institute. Did I send you this account of the Military Inspection? show it to the Ladies and bring it home. Ella came here Thursday in all the storm to enqu[i]re after you. She wants so much to see you. Mrs. Alex. Burgess enquires after you whenever I see her. Mrs. Burgess Granger enquired last Sunday eve. People think you are making a long visit. Annie Peck asked Maria if you were visiting relatives. Said she did think some of going to N.Y. this winter. Mattie Yates says, she shall expect to see among the new publications, "six weeks in Brooklyn" Each and all join me in love to you. Cousin Aurelia says tell you, she would like a seat by your side at the Concert this evening.

Our love and regards to Mrs. Blanchard, Mrs. H. and Mary. Hoping to see you safe and well next Tuesday eve - I am

your Mother
Maria H. Weeden.