Prov. Wed. 5. P.M.My Dear Daughter,
I must write in great haste and send by the "bus." Yours of Mon. morn was rec'd this noon, and has been read many times with deep interest. The fire and the So. Hadley girls has been the constant topic of conversation, and now we want to hear from you again very soon and very often. We fear you are sick with the exposure and labor. Father has copied part of your letter for the Journal, There was an article in this mornings paper containing a note from one of the Seminary girls to the Springfield paper. Perhaps you have seen it. Teachers & scholars deserve much praise, we want to hear from all - These are exciting times, fire wind and water seem to hold high Carnival. Another storm begun Sun. night and we have had rain, snow and hail,
nowith very high winds, no fair weather yet. Our Meadow is one great lake again. Woodville dam & bridge gave away again last night, great fear was felt for the Wanskuck dam. Men worked on it all night in a great rain. Ours stands yet.Hope you got the paper with the Fletcher explosion. Mary Ann came near being there, she was a few minutes late that morning. A girl that worked in the room with her was cut in the face. Ed. Cood has just passed on his way to his work.
Allie has cold and sore throat, has not been out since Sunday. the rest of the family are well. A 5 gallon can of Maple honey came this afternoon wish you had some of it.
Father says, if you are sick come home.
Tell Lizzie, I wish I had been there to give each of you some Nux [?] - Sunday night. My love to her, how are her [...] -
All join me in Love and best wishes, -
Mother.Letters are [no] longer reaching us since the break in the Rail Road -
[The fire she mentions took place in April 1876 in South Hadley center. A hotel, some stores, and the post office were destroyed. There was no fire engine nearer than Holyoke, and the only way to summon was to send a messenger. So in the hour and a half it took for the fire engine to arrive, the students at the Seminary formed a bucket brigade from faucets in the Seminary building, through the front door, and down the street to the fire. After the fire, the Seminary added hoses, fire extinguishers and fire escapes to its buildings.]