[Sep 19 was a Friday in 1862, 1873 and in 1879.]Mt. Quiet. Friday morn Sept. 19-
My Dear Frances,
Thinking you would like to hear from the Weeden family I will write you a few lines, hastily. Mother took some cold coming from the City and got very tired indeed; did not rest that night; was about sick Wednesday; but rested very good that night - says I must tell you; she has got over her trip to the City and is as well as usual again. The babe took cold and had the snuffles so badly Tuesday night, she could not eat nor sleep with comfort - consequently I did not sleep much. - her complaint was better, she had but one discharge in 23 hours!! She has had 5 the last 24 hours. She sleeps with me in our room - mother sleeps in your room: I carry the baby to her at 4 1/2 or 5 OClock and then I sleep soundly.
The other children are well; Allie talks much about "Allie's dear Auntie". Mr. Weeden feels better than he did last week: he went to the Asso. Wed. afternoon. Yesterday we went to Rehoboth with Mr. Barnes horses - - had a very pleasant ride and good visit, and an invitation to come again next week - but I think it very doubtful about our going. Uncle was not as well as usual. Mother says I must tell you she had a very comfortable [stay] at home. Allie says, tell "Allie's dear Auntie", "Allie ride spare horses." he enjoyed it all very much. I am a little stiffer than usual today.
We shall be glad to see you at home again; but want you to stay and make a good long visit and enjoy it. Am glad you have such pleasant weather -
Our love to Mrs. Dennison & the girls,
Your Aff. Sister Maria.Mother's cold is wearing off - Expect to hear from you tomorrow -
[The recipient of this letter, Ann Frances Weeden, is Maria Hunt Weeden Sr's sister in law. Ann Frances was sister to Maria's husband Stephen Randall Weeden. Allie is Allin Hunt Weeden (1853-1879), Maria Hunt Weeden Sr's son. Allie died Jul 2, 1879, which eliminates 1879 as a possible year for this letter to be written. The other two options are 1862 and 1873. I'm not sure who the baby mentioned in the letter would be. The youngest child I could find for Maria Sr was a boy who was born and died in 1860. The woman Maria refers to as "Mother" is not her own mother; Susan Blanding Hunt died in 1834. I believe Maria is referring to her husband's mother, Ann Frances Randall Weeden, who died in 1867, thus eliminating 1873 as a possible year for this letter to be written. A search of the postal stationery indicates too that this is an 1860s cover.]