Friday P.M. Ap 30 '75Dear Marie.
You deserve a medal for your patient (?) waiting for the things! So many hindrances to their final completion. Wonder how they will suit you - hope they will. Received your letter, Thurs. eve. N. went to Westboro' spelling-match, between various scholars for the schools - all rather young - they gave 3 prizes in money - first $10 - I send for my ribbed hose - part wool - you will find them comfortable - shdn't dare to have you put on real cotton ones yet. Do be very careful of yourself - & don't lose or carelessly lay aside the large towel & napkin in the basket! but bring them home - forgot to mark chemises - guess you can - also for worst sew marks on the stockings. Uncle A. [?] has written twice for Pepperell - is having such a nice time, he will stay another week - he like[s] the new old Mrs. Jenett [?] very much - a "real nice old lady" -
I walked most of the way to Circle yesterday - found the room smoky - a few disconsolate women there, who went home before supper, so of course, I didn't go home with Aunt Mary Lawrence & take tea at Doctor's, O no! waited there till Ed. & N. came - then E & I went home, & N. went with Will Harrington to Westboro' - N. bought the two tickets at .15 apiece, & W. put up the horse at stable for 25. Haven't heard a word from Frank, but will write about the .25 white necktie soon. Aunt Lydia doesn't write either -
You don't say a word about Bell. Where will the Seniors graduate from? Out of doors, or from one of Yale's mammoth tents? Miss Lincoln who knows Ada was at chh. a few Sundays ago - says Ada's father is Orthodox Deacon - I went to Westboro' with Mrs. Fay Tuesday, & selected black summer bonnet with fixins - guess I shall like it - is to be done Sat P.M. bought Henry school-suit for $3.50 - He & Eddie have been half sick with sore throat & headache - so am I just now - bad sore throat. G'pa went to Worcester this week - gone to Boston today. John Garner here at work now a good piece in Congt. about "Practicable [sic] Flower Garden" - did you read it? Your father thinks you made the right selection of Greek Pronunciation - sorry about F.L.A. I don't think Miss E. Johnson will hear of your spelling.
Mr. Davis told N. that he read in Worcester Press that the faculty of good spelling seemed to run in families, & instanced mother & son in Northboro' taking the two prizes! If now they only knew about you!! Flossie, Nellie Fay, Nelly Faywither, [?] go to Miss J. Jo Fay carries 2 in the A.M. & or goes for them at noon -
Baby Frank W. Sutton is flourishing well.
The girls that go for Mr. Hilliard drive themselves now, & seem to have real jolly times[.] It makes it quite lively for us - Mr. Hildreth, buried her oldest sister 71 yrs old this week died at her house, & they took her to Worcester. Mr. & Mrs. Stockwell came over yesterday to see about a grave for Josie - in our cemetery
[Unsigned, but postmarked in Mary's hometown, so perhaps the author was her mother.]