A Letter Written on Feb 22, 1851

City of the Plains [Swanzey, NH], Feb. 22 '/51.

My dear friend, Mr. Barrett.

Your letter of Feb. 18. came safely to hand yesterday, and we were all surprised as well as gratified to have another letter so soon as six weeks, but surprised, I mean, that on your return to Boston you did not receive one which we sent the 6 of Feb. to Boston directed as you wrote to the care of "Hard Bowers & Bircherd Nos 3/833 Broad St."

Now I am aware that that letter, my part of it, was is barely worth looking up, but Aunt Emily wrote too, and I am sorry you should not get it. Such seems to be the fate of all such letters (i.e. double ones), so be assurred [sic] you are "not entirely forgotten" by the inhabitants of the parsonage, for there are no "false expressions" written from here.

And as it seems you have had a fine trip, I was surprised that you did not go to Washington while so near for you expressed a strong desire when here to go there. We heard of you by Mr. B. and are all sorry that you did not talk more in earnest about the school. Perhaps I am somewhat to blame, for in the last letter but one to you I failed to answer some of your queries for want of time & perhaps care, if so I am very sorry. Would write you all I know of the school prospects, but suppose Mr. Bailey told you all about it and "of which" I wrote in my last. It would be the unanimous wish of the pupils and I think of the people, or parents perhaps, that you should return, but it seems that Esq. Sawyer has taken the matter in his own hands and will do as he pleases, which will not please everyone. The school wil not be as large as if you were to be here. I have learned since writing last that, Mr. P. is not engaged for the fall term but is encouraged to think he can have it if he does well and is liked &c, &c &c.

The testimonials were readily and cheerfully given and we hope they will answer the purpose intended. When I wish another I shall apply to you I believe, will you dare grant it?

I thought some of adding my name to the paper but finally thought best to wait till it was desired.

We all move on pretty much the same as when you were here, the evenings are usually spent at home except attending the Societies' evening schools &c. and as Mr. B. says "it is a general time of health." More than 20 of my scholars have been sick with mumps and cough so that my school is very much diminished, have not had but 24 for three weeks. My favorite class "Emily Baileys" has diminished from 13 to 3 & some days to one. Even Volney left school but I understand is coming back next week "to let them see that he can behave decent," but he has been a pretty good boy most of the time. I have only two weeks longer and must say that I shall be ready to stop for a while. I am now strongly persuaded that I shall not teach next summer, but stay here some and be ready to take a city school when some opportunity presents.

The family are all pretty well, aunt E. as usual. The Dr. we see quite often, thinks he shall not send Joseph he anywhere unless it is where you are & he would either go there than any where else. Neither of the boys will go this spring.

I dare say you have not forgotten that a town hall "was building" (do you like that) when you were here. Last evening it was dedicated by a several Union Ball and in spite of rain and mud which has not been more abundant this season a great many were there. But we were interested to know that even one could come to attend the inquiry meeting. We are rejoiced that there is some thing thought of besides amusement by even a few of the young people. Mowry, Hannah & Mary, with two of Rebecca William's sisters are proposed for admission to the church. Louisa Ware, seems to give evidence to others of a change but has no hope for herself. Alice came for the first time last eve - seems very different from what she ever did before. Andrew Hermon has attended and seems deeply interested and anxious for his salvation. He is in my class in the S. School and you must know that I feel rejoiced and encouraged if even one shows an anxiety & enquires what he must do to be saved. He has been in to see me and I can but feel anxious for him. Volney, G. H. Reed & deLong have been in the class in addition to these who were there when you were here. What a change would be produced in this village should all of them become Christians now.

Uncle Rockwood send love and hopes you will find a better place than Swanzey to teach if you can not come here, yet hopes it may turn in your favor yet.

Aunt Emily wishes me to say that she has answered your letter "in her poor way"! but feels sure that in speaking of Jonah she wrote Jonas. She thinks & fears that a remembrance of his character will hardly cause you to trouble.

Have you received a letter from Mr. Whipple directed to New Market? He has finished his school with much honor to himself and pupils. He hopes to hear from you before he leaves for his home in N. York, which will be in six or eight weeks. A.J. Aldrich I have seen once since he finished at Winchester. He has had a fine time but has had the "hooping cough" of which" [sic] has troubled him very much - I should think you would be [...]ly reminded by that postscript of the number of months he went to school, that I suppose was introduced a specimen of the whole letter. Shall you not find leisure to come here this spring. Hope I may not wait quite so long for the "alternate letters" as we some times do.

Have not heard from L. M. since Nov. 18 for the very good reason that I have not written her or E. either. Can you think strange that you do not receive as many letters as you write when you are "to nothing fixed but love of change."

Pardon me for writing so much, but 'tis said that women's pen is like her tongue.

Am glad to learn that your mother is well as usual. But if you have seen the paragraph in the papers alluded to in our last, you will excuse all that I said there - but I am sorry it is written for it must grate very harshly upon your feelings. Hope you will let us soon hear of the fate of the letters last sent. I want to have given an account of Mrs. Brigham's letters from Liverpool but shall hardly find room so will reserve it till next time.

Truly yours, with much respect
E. J. Wilder.
a queer place for the signature [by using the margins it ended up on the top of the last page of the letter]

[The letter is written to Joseph Chandler Barrett (1823-1887). He graduated at Dartmouth College in 1850, and after graduation taught in several schools in New Hampshire and Massachusetts, until he took a job as a clerk in Worcester, Mass. in the 1860s.]