A Letter written on May 28, 1850

[This letter is undated, but the sender mentions it's Tuesday and she's putting it in with another letter she thought was unsightly. I have only one other letter by this sender, written on a Monday and indeed very messy, so I think she probably tucked this one in that envelope before mailing it. Other clues: the Monday letter was hand delivered by a Mr Brown, and the sender mentions that Mr Brown is on the way in this letter. The Monday letter also mentions money owed, and this one does too.]

Tuesday Morning

Dear Carrie,

I thought I would put in a few words this morning, just for an apology for the looks of my letter I did not know how bad it looked till this morning, it was written between sundown and dark and I could not see to keep in the line, but you will excuse it I know.

I am sorry to inform you that I cannot send that money this morning. Mary came to school before I did, and she had put my money away where I could not find it, so you see that I had to come away without it, but I will send it before long.

We have only 50 scholars here yet this morning, & if they could all be here one day I should like it, there are 80 different ones in all, would it not be a room full. It is very warm this morning I have got a bad headache and am almost sick, but I hope I shall feel better before morning.

I must stop now for I expect Mr Brown will soon be here so

Goodbye, In haste
from Maria.