Letter Written on Dec 19, 1930

American Association of University Women
National Headquarters, 1634 I Street
Washington, D.C.

Mary E. Woolley, President
South Hadley, Massachusetts

December 19, 1930

Miss Abby H. Turner,
Zoofysiologiske Laboratorium,
University of Copenhagen,
Juliane Maries Vej, 52,
Copenhagen, Denmark.

My dear Miss Turner:

It is a pleasure to hear from you, and I am glad that the interests of the Danish women led to your letter. When I see Miss Caukin I will talk over your suggestion with her.

That we miss you here goes without saying. Your department is making no trouble and is apparently accomplishing a great deal of work.

With the hope that the New Year will bring you many good things,

Cordially yours,
Mary E. Woolley


Greetings from me too!
Olive C.