Wednesday morning
at crack of dawn!Miss Turner dear, -
I guess it would serve me right if I didn't get any room wouldn't it? Well I did write to Mrs Fairbanks about the Byron Smith cottage and she said Miss Lester is returning, so there's no chance there. Mrs Fairbank [sic] says to write to Miss Greene and I was about to ask your advice as that when your letter arrived. If I must live in a dormitory I would prefer Meade [sic] but I really wish I could get a room in one of the smaller houses or in the village. I'd like to goup [sic] to South Hadley next month and look around but I guess it is not wise to risk leaving everything till then. Maybe if you should ask Miss Greene to put me in Meade, she would lend a more attentive ear than if I should write to her. Don't you 'spose? I hate to ask you to do even that - and on second thought I won't. I'll write to Miss Greene myself, and then if I don't like what I get I suppose I could change if I find something I like better later. At least I won't need to clutter up a park bench the first night!
I have some of your Buckland trip right here before me. Miss Barnard shared a clump of bluets with me and they are so pretty. I surely hope to get farther than the Inn next time. I hope we can go next year. I'd love to.
I don't wonder that Miss Barnard thinks I've tried. I've been as moody and disagreeable as anything all this semester, - just miserably unhappy some of the time and selfish and thoughtless the rest of the time. Now I'm beginning to see that the fault does not belong to the world at large nor even to certain of my friends but just to my own selfcentered-ness - and I'm ashamed and sorry.
I don't know whether there will be any rest between my present & future jobs or not. I ought to be through here shortly after the 20th of May and I can begin work right then if I want to, but I won't start my metabolism experiment til June 1st. That will continue for 30 days but it will take at least two months to get all the analytical work done for the experiment. However I'm going to try to finish up as near the first of August as I can and then I'm going home and stay there. It is between the end of exams and the beginnimg of my work that I'd like to run up to South Hadley, if I can scare up the car fare.
I've been asked to look out for Miss Woolley's welfare while she is the guest of Barnard this week, and I'm very much pleased. Every guest has an "escort" and we were told to write them and say that we were to look out for them and give them a few words of advice and caution about not leaving their tickets to the various festivities at home, etc. Well I've "been & gone & done it" for I wrote Miss Woolley about the hour of the Commemorative Exercises on Thursday afternoon & what time I would call at the hotel for her and then made a polite reference to tickets - and then yesterday I discovered that Miss Woolley is to be the only out of town speaker at said exercise! Woe is me! I'm afraid they won't let her in if she doesn't have her ticket in her hand!!!
I guess it is time I was getting dressed - in fact I know it is. It's seven-thirty. The work is physiology at P&S jogs on apace. I guess Dr Pike is getting spring fever. He never has rushed us but what work we've had has been good - but Monday every single thing we did during the two hours of laboratory was to decapitate two cockroaches & a fly and poke them to see what they would do. Six able bodied adults officiated at the operation! Now I think that's the limit. I'm going to cut today and buy myself a new hat.
Well goodbye, dear Lady. I love you so much. Give my love to your mother. It will be nice to see her again next year if not before. I hope you are not getting all worn out.