The University of Minneapolis
The Medical School
MinneapolisDepartment of Physiology
May 3, 1918.
Dear Miss Turner
I have been trying to see Dr. Lyon this morning but haven't succeeded yet. I want to know definitely just how much he is counting on me for summer school. Our conversations have been rather vague on the subject heretofore. In my wire I told you of the impending conference with Miss [...] in Madison Wis- next Tuesday. Unless I hear from her to the contrary I shall leave here Monday night and return Tuesday night, i.e. leave Madison Tuesday night. I expect our conference will be at the Park Hotel where Miss [...] will stay - in case you need to reach me for anything. She wrote me several weeks ago about doing some investigating in industrial plants but I don't know enough about any of these possibilities now to be able to give a definite answer to you until I have seen her.
Now that the preliminaries are disposed of I can talk of the work at collee. It sounds very good to me and I'd love to work with you again. The combination of you[,] Dr. Welsh, Dr. Sherwood, and the possibility of lectures by Dr Lee et al. will be splendid. And wouldn't it be fun to do it? $250 is more than I can get here for summer school I know and $300 is better than $250. I think we could get along with Mrs Moody's type of help. I'd be willing to try it but if it should prove too strenuous would it be possible to work in a farm girl there? By farm girl do you mean that the college girls are farming this summer too? I don't know what Miss [...]'s job offers nor how long it will last though I wrote her that I had to have a vacation. I'll confess that I'm on the warm path for money thissummer. My poverty is appalling but I'm still cheerful and don't worry as much as I should I suppose - only I know that I must be up and doing.
You are a dear to want me to come back. It was balm to my spirit to know that you think I know more than Mary not that I begrudge Mary or anyone else any knowledge - only things have gone so far differently this year than I expected that I had concluded that I didn't know more than anybody. Dr. Rountree is a peach. He has been very ill ever since the first of February but he is back now. I was talking with him yesterday about summer plans. He said he was sorry abou tthe year too but that we weren't to blame because we got sick! I suppose that's true. I thought at one time that I'd better stay here and do some of the work that I haven't been able to do this semester but he said he thought it would be a good idea to do something quite different as a therapeutic measure.
I've just talked with Dr. Lyon. He is not depending on me for summer school. Thus [?] I can stay if I like. There is not much money in it but I can have half time for my own work. It lasts 6 weeks.
I'll write you as soon as I have seen Miss [... .] I haven't taken the internship yet - I haven't decided.