Florence Elizabeth Clark 1899 (Mrs John Saltonstall Buck)
Address in 1937: 411 Hartford Ave Wethersfield CT
student 1899 Woods Hole Normal School New Britain CT
teacher 1899-1900 Northboro
teacher 1900-1901 Hartford CT
teacher 1901-1904 East Northfield
Married 1904; husband was a farmer
Richard Saltonstall born 1905
Eleanor Kimball born 1909
John Webster born 1912
Harriet Whiting born 1915
Mother was Emma Frances Kimball x1873
Sister was Grace Stevens Clark x1901
All information from One Hundred Year Biographical Directory of Mount Holyoke College 1837-1937, Bulletin Series 30, no. 5; published and compiled by the Alumnae Association of Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, Massachusetts