Julia Eleanor Moody 1893
Address in 1937: Hallowell House Wellesley MA
BS 1894, MA 1909 Mount Holyoke College
PhD 1912 Columbia University
student 1902 Johns Hopkins Univeristy
student 1905, 1908 Woods Hole
Mary E Woolley Fellow 1910-1911 Columbia University
Phi Beta Kappa
teacher 1894-1895 Duluth MN
teacher 1895-1900 Clinton IA
teacher 1900-1905 Baltimore MD
instructor (zoology) 1905-1910 Mount Holyoke College
instructor, associate professor, professor 1912-1937 Wellesley College
All information from One Hundred Year Biographical Directory of Mount Holyoke College 1837-1937, Bulletin Series 30, no. 5; published and compiled by the Alumnae Association of Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, Massachusetts