Mary Chandler Lowell x1885
Address in 1937: 30 Main St West Dover-Foxcroft ME
MD 1886 College of Physicians and Surgeons
LLB and JB 1902 Boston University
JM 1903 Boston University
student 1899-1900 Cornell University
student 1884-1886
city missionary Boston
assistant superintendent 1886-1891 Maine Insane Hospital Augusta ME
physician and instructor (physiology) 1891-1899 Mount Holyoke College
lawyer 1904-1910
research worker
Mother was Mary Esther Chandler x1859
All information from One Hundred Year Biographical Directory of Mount Holyoke College 1837-1937, Bulletin Series 30, no. 5; published and compiled by the Alumnae Association of Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, Massachusetts