The Linen Postcards

[Physical Chemistry Building]


According to the code number on each card, these cards were all made in 1935. Postmarks range from 1936 to 1949, so they were in use for a good long time. The garish colors aren't really popular with many modern collectors.

The Images

All cards are available with both front and back scans, and comments about what is written on the front or back, either by the user or by the publisher, are included below.

117 Rockefeller Hall
front "Rockefeller Hall, Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, Mass. 117" #5A-H1997, which means this card was made in 1935.
back Divided back, unused. C. W. Hughes & Co., Inc., Mechanicville, N. Y. Genuine Curteich-Chicago "C. T. Art-Colortone" Post Card (Reg. U. S. Pat. Off.)

117 Rockefeller Hall
front "Rockefeller Hall, Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, Mass. 117" #5A-H1997, which means this card was made in 1935.
back Divided back, postmarked Aug 23, 1939 1pm in Holyoke, MA. C. W. Hughes & Co., Inc., Mechanicville, N. Y. "C. T. Art-Colortone" Reg. U. S. Pat. Off. Made by Curt Teich & Co., Inc., Chicago. "Hello Folks Oh yes - I got to Floral Park Friday nite without 1 mistake. When we get back - Aunt Mabel is giving me driving lessons - Pretty soon 41 Rogers Place will have two chauffeurs Isn't that something Love Bettie."

117 Rockefeller Hall
front "Rockefeller Hall, Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, Mass. 117" #5A-H1997, which means this card was made in 1935.
back Divided back, postmarked Oct 31, 1944 11am in Northampton, MA. C. W. Hughes & Co., Inc., Mechanicville, N. Y. "C. T. Art-Colortone" Reg. U. S. Pat. Off. Made by Curt Teich & Co., Inc., Chicago. "This is another college not far from Smith College, in Northampton. It was cold enough this morning so that we were glad to have blankets over our knees, and the heater turned on in the car. It made me think of the times we left the Lake at 5am. Love, Mother."

118 Student Alumnae Building
front "Student Alumnae Building, Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, Mass. 118" #5A-H1998, which means this card was made in 1935.
back Divided back, stamp box, unused. Published by C. W. Hughes & Co., Inc., Mechanicville, N. Y. "C. T. Art-Colortone" Reg. U. S. Pat. Off. Made by Curt Teich & Co., Inc., Chicago.

119 Mary Lyon Hall
front "Mary Lyon Hall, Mount Holyoke College 119" on top, and "South Hadley, Mass." underneath. #5A-H1999, which means this card was made in 1935.
back Divided back, stamp box, unused. A "C. T. Art Colortone" card. Made by Curt Teich & Co., Inc., Chicago.

119 Mary Lyon Hall
front "Mary Lyon Hall, Mount Holyoke College 119" on top, and "South Hadley, Mass." underneath. #5A-H1999, which means this card was made in 1935.
back Divided back, postmarked Sep 2, 1936 12:30?m in Holyoke, Mass. C. W. Hughes & Co., Inc., Mechanicville, NY. A "C. T. Art Colortone" card. Made by Curt Teich & Co., Inc., Chicago. "Hello Mother - Glad to be back in the city - oh, by the way did you get the refrigerator - I think G. E. is the best don't you - am having a swell time! Love Bettie"

120 Physics Building
front "Physics Building, Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, Mass. 120" #5A-H2000, which means this card was made in 1935.
back Divided back, stamp box, unused. C. W. Hughes & CO., Inc., Mechanicville, NY. A Curteich Chicago "C. T. Art-Colortone" post card.

120 Physics Building
front "Physics Building, Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, Mass. 120" #5A-H2000, which means this card was made in 1935.
back Divided back, stamp box, postmarked Jul 6, 1949 9pm in Holyoke, Mass. C. W. Hughes & Co., Inc., Mechanicville, NY. A Curteich Chicago "C. T. Art-Colortone" post card. "Hi Jean Got your letter. Hope your [sic] haveing [sic] a good time. We had good time over the weekend. We'll see you soon Love 'Gay'"