Small Things How much good has been done in the world by little things words or actions. A tear or word of sympathy is in itself but a little thing yet how much good can it accomplish! How sweetly does it fall on the bruised and broken heart! It comes assuring the sorrowing heart that it is not alone in the cold world, that there are those who feel and care for its benefit.
A little word in kindness spoken,
"A motion or a tear
Has often healed the heart that's broken,
And made a friend sincere.
- - - - - -
A word a look has crushed to earth
Full many a budding flower
Which had a smile but cheered its birth
Could have cheered life's darkest hour"
The tear of sympathy costs us nothing why then do we withhold it from those whose hearts are breaking under their load of grief? It would be as balm to their stricken hearts. It would change earth from a vale of tears to a happy home. And would it bring any thing but, happiness to him who has expressed love and sympathy for his fellow creature? No; the thought of a good action will follow him through all the changes of life it will support him through many a trying hour of sorrow and affliction; for he knows that in doing it he did even in accordance with the will of his Maker.
How often have a few words of encouragement addressed to a despondent one assisted in drawing forth the latent powers of the mind and in building up good resolutions. Perhaps the statesman whose mighty power of eloquence holds enthralled the ear of multitudes uttered in cheering tones by some sympathening [sic] friend.
"Then seem it not an idle thing
A pleasant word to speak,
The smile you wear, the thoughts you bring
A heart may heal or break."