May 2007: This little album (5.75" x 4.75") was signed inside the front cover by Mary Louisa Crawford in New York City in April 1900. I cannot find any evidence of a student by that name. Most likely the student that put together this album lived in Lovell House for two years and graduated with the class of 1909. There is a Frances Louise Crawford x1909, but she was from Iowa, didn't live in Lovell House, and didn't graduate from MHC. I can narrow it down to six names looking at the Lovell House book for 1909, by name and by photo. One student is from New York City, but her name is not Crawford.
Update in November 2007: The Mount Holyoke connection did turn out to be the New York City student, Lillian May Osgood 1909. Mary Louisa must have been a friend of hers who saved college pictures of Lillian. Many of the photos on the right-facing pages are from a Swiss trip in 1905, and the photos on the left-facing pages are Mount Holyoke-related photos dated a few years later. I acquired an album of Lillian's about four months after I bought the Crawford album, and the photos labelled "me" in this album definitely match the identified photos of Lillian in the other album.