Photo Album of
Alice Rollins Little 1902
This "album" is a compilation of photos copied from several family albums for inclusion in this web project. Thanks go out to Susan Greenleaf Anderson, grand-niece of Alice Little, for her gracious donation of these photos. The photos include Alice Rollins Little, Eva Therese Mellor, and Caroline Morris Galt.
The Images
Only front scans are being made available; notations made on the back of the photos are included in the comments about each photo.
- Alice, circa 1888
- front Alice Rollins Little, circa 1888.
- Alice, circa 1889
- front Left to right: sisters Caroline Little, Margaret Little, Alice Rollins Little, circa 1889.
- Alice, circa 1896
- front Alice Rollins Little is on the far right. About high school age, about 1896 or so. Original photo has label "for Miss Little" on the back.
- Alice, circa 1896
- front Alice Rollins Little is in the middle. About high school age, about 1896 or so. Original photo has label "for Miss Little" on the back.
- Alice, circa 1900
- front Alice Rollins Little is in the front. A teenager?
- Eva, 1901
- front Eva Therese Mellor, 1901.
- Alice, 1902
- front This is taken from a large group photo of the staff of the Mount Holyoke 1902 Llamarada (yearbook). Alice Rollins Little is in the middle as editor-in-chief. 1902.
- Alice, 1902
- front Alice Rollins Little (lower). The other woman is unidentified. 1902.
- Alice, 1902
- front Alice Rollins Little, graduation portrait, 1902.
- Alice, circa 1902-03
- front Alice Rollins Little, circa 1902-03.
- Alice, circa 1902-03
- front Alice Rollins Little, circa 1902-03.
- Alice, 1903
- front Alice Rollins Little is in the middle rear; her sister Caroline Greenleaf is in the middle front. 1903.
- Alice, 1903
- front Alice Rollins Little is in the back row left. Grandma Little, mother of Alice, Caroline, Mary and Margaret is in the back row right. Caroline Greenleaf, Alice's sister, is in the front row left. 1903.
- Bradford, NH, circa 1904
- front Bradford, NH: a fashionable summer place. Alice Little, Eva Therese Mellor, and the Greenleafs played here.
- Alice and Eva, Bradford, NH, circa 1904
- front Alice Rollins Little - top left. Eva Therese Mellor - front right. Grandfather Raymond Greenleaf - left - lying in lap of Grandmother Caroline Greenleaf, Alice's sister. Bradford, NH; there was a small cottage here, but most of "the mob" seemed to be camping out. Probably around 1904.
- Alice and Eva, Bradford, NH, circa 1904
- front Eva Therese Mellor - back row on right - her hand is resting on Alice Rollins Little's shoulder. Bradford, NH; probably around 1904.
- Eva, Bradford, NH, circa 1904
- front Eva Therese Mellor - far right. Caroline Greenleaf, Alice's sister - back row left. Bradford, NH; camping; 1904 or later.
- Alice and Eva, 1906
- front D. B. Spiller and Eva Therese Mellor in the front seat, Alice Rollins Little in the back; in front of Mr. Spiller's house in Swampscott, Mass., 1906.
- Eva, 1906
- front Eva Therese Mellor in the latest wading attire circa 1906.
- Alice, circa 1907
- front Alice Rollins Little at her tea shop, "Periwinkle", probably Kennebunkport, ME. She also was supposed to have a tea shop in Bermuda, so this photo might be of that tea shop instead.
- Eva, 1907
- front Kennebunkport, ME in 1907. The Periwinkle Tea Shop was owned by Alice, and it was their summer quarters. In the winter, they ran a tea shop in Bermuda. This is Eva in front of the Periwinkle.
- Alice, circa 1909
- front Alice Rollins Little, circa 1909.
- Alice and Eva, Bradford, NH, circa 1909-1917
- front Alice Rollins Little feeding cake to Eva Therese Mellor? Bradford, NH; probably between 1909 and 1917.
- College Inn, post-1911
- front The College Inn, 29 College St., South Hadley, Mass. Alice Rollins Little was owner and manager from approximately 1911 to 1940. Wing to the right of the front door as you look at the picture was added by Alice sometime after 1911 when she bought the Inn.
- Alice, circa 1920
- front Alice Rollins Little, circa 1920.
- Caroline Morris Galt, June 1925
- front Caroline Morris Galt, on the left with the striped dress, seated on the steps of Dwight Hall at Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, Mass.
- Alice, circa 1925
- front Alice Rollins Little, circa 1925. Passport photo.
- Alice, circa 1925-1926
- front Alice Rollins Little, circa 1925-1926, at 18 Academy St., Athens, Greece (Prince George's Palace). Staying with Annual Professor Caroline Galt.
- Alice, circa 1925-1926
- front Alice Rollins Little, circa 1925-1926, at 18 Academy St., Athens, Greece (Prince George's Palace). Alice accompanied Professor Caroline Morris Galt when Miss Galt was appointed Annual Professor at the American School of Classical Studies in Athens, Greece. The two women did much travel from there. Alice Little was owner and manager of the College Inn, 29 College St, Sout Hadley, MA. She may have had Eva Mellor managing the Inn while she was away.
- College Inn, circa 1925-1926
- front Enjoying the "new wing" of the College Inn. This photo may have been taken the summer when Alice Little, owner of the College Inn, was traveling to Greece with Professor Caroline Galt. Left to right: Eva Therese Mellor, Caroline Greenleaf, Raymond Greenleaf.
- Eva, circa 1925-1926
- front Left to right - Caroline Greenleaf (Alice's sister) and Eva Theresa Mellor, circa 1925-1926. Probably at Caroline's home in Melrose, Mass.
- Alice, circa 1925-1926
- front Alice Rollins Little, circa 1925-1926, at 18 Academy St., Athens, Greece.
- Alice, circa 1925-1926
- front Alice Rollins Little, circa 1925-1926, at 18 Academy St., Athens, Greece (sitting room). Companion to Caroline Galt at the American School of Classical Studies.
- Caroline Morris Galt, 1925-1926
- front Caroline Morris Galt at her desk in Athens Greece circa 1925-1926. She served as annual professor at the American School for Classical Studies that year.
- Caroline Morris Galt, 1925-1926
- front Caroline Morris Galt is in the front row, second from left, at the American School of Classical Studies in Athens, Greece, circa 1925-1926.
- Caroline Morris Galt, 1925-1926
- front Caroline Morris Galt, 18 Academy St., Athens, Greece, circa 1925-1926.
- Caroline Morris Galt, 1925-1926
- front Caroline Morris Galt, 18 Academy St., Athens, Greece, circa 1925-1926. Annual Professor (on leave from Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, Mass.) at the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Greece. In 1937, Miss Galt was still the only woman ever invited to be an annual professor. 18 Academy Street was the royal residence of Prince George. The American School rented the palace after the princes had been exiled from Greece.
- Caroline Morris Galt, 1925-1926
- front Caroline Morris Galt, during the time she was appointed Annual Professor to the American School of Classical Studies, Athens, Greece, circa 1925-1926. Probably taken in the Royal Gardens.
- Caroline Morris Galt, 1925-1926
- front Caroline Morris Galt, during the time she was appointed Annual Professor to the American School of Classical Studies, Athens, Greece, circa 1925-1926. Probably taken in the Royal Gardens.
- Alice, circa 1926
- front Alice Rollins Little, circa 1926.
- Alice, 1941
- front Class of 1902 members at home of Rowena Keyes, Newtown, Conn., May 24, 1941. In front: Josephine Belding, Emma Carr, Rowena Keyes. Standing: Charlotte Leavitt Gilpatric, Jane Caskey Halliday, Alice Woodward, Lilian Gordon Harrington, Helen Gates Hazen, Louise Gilman Rounds, Alice Little, Emily Disbrow, Betsy Palmer Haviland, Nell Parsons Potter.
- Alice, 1941
- front Class of 1902 members at home of Rowena Keyes, Newtown, Conn., May 24, 1941. In front: Gertrude Allen, Josephine Belding, Emma Carr, Rowena Keyes. Standing: Harriet Sleeper, Jane Caskey Halliday, Alice Woodward, Lilian Gordon Harrington, Helen Gates Hazen, Louise Gilman Rounds, Alice Little, Emily Disbrow, Betsy Palmer Haviland, Nell Parsons Potter.
- Miss Rambo's Home, 1940s
- front 120 County Line Rd., Bryn Mawr, PA. Home owned by Eleanor Ferguson Rambo. Alice Little lived here until Miss Rambo died 3/30/55.
- Miss Rambo
- front Eleanor Ferguson Rambo, Bryn Mawr College 1908. (Original photo labelled: "3 Rears: - 120/The graham/EFR looking for a daffodil") 120 County Line Rd. Bryn Mawr, PA. 1940s.