Photo Album of
Helen Reitsma 1921



This is one of three albums that came from Helen's estate. One album was mainly her husband's military photos, and one album spanned 1939-1940 and showed them as parents. Those other two albums are not scanned here; the only one scanned for this website is her college album.

Helen was active in several community events, such as theater, Winter Carnival, and May Pageant. She also appeared to enjoy athletics, and was seen on horseback, on skis, rowing a canoe, using snowshoes and on the volleyball team. Summers were spent in Maine and in Marblehead. She lived in Rockefeller, Smithville, Brigham, and Safford, and documented two campus fires that took place while she was a student: Williston in 1917, and Safford in 1920.

Open her album