Caroline Koerner 1885

Caroline Koerner 1885 (Mrs Lyman Plimpton Peet)
Address in 1937: 1918 LaFrance Ave South Pasadena CA
city missionary New York NY
missionary China
teacher South Hadley
Married 1888; husband was a minister and missionary for the American Board 1887-1917 China
Louisa Plimpton born 1889 died 1891
Mary Elizabeth born 1891 died 1897
Ruth Lucretia born 1893
Edward Lyman born 1895 died 1900
Vernon Koerner born 1898
Marion Caroline born and died 1900

All information from One Hundred Year Biographical Directory of Mount Holyoke College 1837-1937, Bulletin Series 30, no. 5; published and compiled by the Alumnae Association of Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, Massachusetts