The Magnificat (c. 1967-1968)

The Magnificat (c. 1967-1968)
by Johann Sebastian Bach
The Mount Holyoke College Glee Club and Concert Choir
with the Leigh [sic] University Glee Club
Tamara Knell, Conductor

[This album came to me with no jacket, so I am relying solely on the album's center label for names and credits.
I can narrow down the issue date to 1967-1968 because Jameson Marvin was choral director at Lehigh University just that one year.
I am unfamiliar with the music and could not figure out where to split the music into individual tracks
on side 2. The words "Side 2" is the link to the music for the second side of the album. If anyone can help me
split this out into individual tracks, please email me: Donna Albino (]

Side 1:

1. The Magnificat

Christina Asher, Soprano
Rose Wildes, Alto
Grayson Hirst, Tenor
Terrence Hawkins, Bass
Myrtle Regier, Organist
         Side 2:

2. Pueri Concinite - J. Handl
3. Ascendit Deus - J. Handl
4. Five Slovak Songs - Bela Bartok

Listen now my comrades
Back to fight I'm going
War is in our land now
If I fall in battle
Time went on
The Leigh [sic] University Glee Club
Jameson Marvin, Conductor