Seminary Building, 1837-1896
The Seminary Building was built in 1837. A south wing was added in 1841, a north wing in 1853, a gymnasium and laundry in 1865. All were destroyed by fire in 1896. For more views of the Seminary building, check my stereoview collection.
The Images
All cards are available with both front and back scans, and comments about what is written on the front or back, either by the user or by the publisher, are included below.
- Mt. Holyoke College
- front "Founded by Mary Lyon, 1836 Destroyed by Fire, Sept. 27, 1896" "Designed by Glesmann Bros South Hadley, Mass." "Mt. Holyoke College, South Hadley, Mass." "Do you remember our visit to this historic spot. This is the old seminary, you see. Loving remembrance to all. [signature]"
- back Postmarked on the 6th of an undecipherable month in 1905, 10am, undivided back.
- Mount Holyoke Seminary Hall
- front no text on front
- back Published by the Albertype Co, Brooklyn, NY, and titled "Mount Holyoke Seminary Hall, 1837-1896, South Hadley, Massachusetts". Divided back, postmarked Jun 13, 1937 12:30pm in South Hadley. Addressed to Mrs. Wm. H. Shelmire Jr. in Philadelphia. "Well, here I am once more - can you believe it? Everything has been beautiful - weather made to order, gardens lovely, excellent alumnae meeting. I always keep wishing for you. As soon as I can I shall be around to your door to tell you all about it. Love, Annetta M."
- Mount Holyoke College
- front no text on front
- back "Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, Mass. As it appeared before the fire of September 27, 1896" Published by Robert A. Glesmann, South Hadley, Mass. and the Albertype Co, Brooklyn, NY. Postmarked in 1939 in South Hadley. Stamp is missing. "Dear Mother - How I hate to break this year's record. But I've got to ask you for some money. My Pay Day bill is for everything - my allowance can't cover it & get me home too - music bill - blah - etc. I've added up everything carefully & if you only send me $5 or $6 I can manage I think. I do hope this doesn't put you in a hole. (Perhaps I better stay home during vacation and wash dishes) Love - Carol PS Call it advance on my May allowance? PS Pay Day is this Sat! 9! Love you"
- Mt. Holyoke College
- front "Mt. Holyoke College, So. Hadley, Mass." #7619 Published by Glesmann Bros. View of the Seminary building.
- back Divided back, postmarked Jun 15, 1910 12midnight in South Hadley. Published by N. E. Paper & Stat'y Co., Ayer, Mass. "Am having the time of my life, saw Helen H. on Sunday. Cora is here. Lovingly Mary" Addressed to Ruby Sanborn.
- Mount Holyoke College
- front no text on front
- back Published by the Albertype Co, Brooklyn, NY, and titled "Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, Mass. As it appeared before the fire of September 27, 1896". Postmarked in 1939 in South Hadley. Stamp is missing. "Does this look familiar? H." Addressed to Mrs. E. L. Spaulding. It might have been her daughter Hattie who sent the card, but if that's true, her handwriting has changed somewhat since she was a student. (I have other cards Hattie sent to her mother in 1921 and 1922.)
- Mt. Holyoke Seminary
- front "- Mt. Holyoke Seminary - Founded by Mary Lyon - 1836." A real photo view of the 1870 library (left) and the Seminary building.
- back Divided back, stamp box, unused. Velox stamp box (1907-1917).
- Mount Holyoke College
- front no text on front
- back "Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, Mass. As it appeared before the fire of September 27, 1896" Published by Robert A. Glesmann, South Hadley, Mass. and the Albertype Co, Brooklyn, NY. Postmarked Aug 15[?] 1934 5:30pm in South Hadley. Stamp is missing. "Do you recognize this place? It seems queer to see it on a modern post card, doesn't it? South Hadley is as beautiful as ever and I am having a restful, pleasant three weeks here with Mother. Will tell you the news when I come back. Affectionately, Helen Church"