Skinner Hall

[Skinner Hall]


The successful completion of the seventy-fifth anniversary campaign's Half Million Dollar Fund redeemed the promise made by the Skinner family of Holyoke and South Hadley to provide a classroom building for English, history, mathematics, Latin, and other non-laboratory fields. Mary Woolley, president of the College in 1916 when this building was erected, described it as "modeled after Compton-Wingate, by Putnam and Cox, Architects, a simple, beautiful building of tapestry brick with stone trimmings."

The Images

All cards are available with both front and back scans, and comments about what is written on the front or back, either by the user or by the publisher, are included below.

Skinner Hall
front "Skinner Hall, Mount Holyoke College, SOUTH HADLEY, Mass." "Gridley" mark in lower left corner.
back Divided back, postmarked Apr 6, 1916[?] 12:30pm in South Hadley. Published by The Albertype Co., Brooklyn, NY. "My bulbs are blossoming! They are the "Peerless narcissus", pale and lovely as a dream. I have taken so much interest and enjoyment in them. For a while I feared they were not going to develop. They were so very slow and deliberate, but the spring has brought them on. Lovingly B. H. Gault." Addressed to Mabel Hotchkiss.

Skinner Hall
front A real photo card. "Skinner Hall Mount Holyoke College"
back Undivided back, postmarked Oct 11, 1954 12midnight in South Hadley. Published by $5 Photo Co., Photo Park, Canton, New York. "Janet Lewiston Mount Holyoke College Lakeside South Hadley, Mass. Dear Rosy & Rubin, This is a picture of the building where I have many of my classes. Everything is working out wonderfully. I'm rooming with a wonderful girl from Great Neck, and we've got a lovely little room in the most beautiful & modern dorm here. The social life is great - I've been out every week so far, classes are very interesting although there's too much homework, & the girls are wonderful. If you get a chance, write. Love, Janet."
[In the book!]

Senior Steps
front "Senior Steps, Skinner Hall, Mount Holyoke College" According to an article in the Holyoke Daily Transcript and Telegram on May 8, 1937, step exercises were first celebrated by the class of 1897, the members of which yearned for venerable college customs and found few then in existence. This is where they took place after Williston Hall burned down in 1917; before that, the Step Exercises took place there.
back Divided back, postally unused, but inscribed, "Appreciation of your Christmas thoughts of me and many good wishes. Mary E. Woolley." Published by "The City" Post Cards, from photographs copyrighted by the Maynard Workshop - Waban - Massachusetts.

Skinner Hall
front "Skinner Hall, Mount Holyoke College" Inscription: "July 1929"
back Divided back, unused. "The City" postcards from photographs copyrighted by the Maynard Workshop - Waban - Massachusetts.

Skinner Hall
front "Skinner Hall, Mount Holyoke College South HADLEY, Mass."
back Divided back, unused. Published by J. C. Fringelin, Stationer, Holyoke, Mass. and The Albertype Co., Brooklyn, NY.

Administration Building and Skinner Hall
front "Administration Building and Skinner Hall, Mount Holyoke College."
back Divided back, unused. "The City" postcards from photographs copyrighted by the Maynard Workshop - Waban - Massachusetts.

Skinner Hall
front "Skinner Hall Mount Holyoke College South Hadley, Mass."
back Divided back, postmarked Sep 19 12am in an indecipherable year in South Hadley. Published by C. A. Gridley & Son. #A1282 Made in Germany. "This is where we have our recitations. Thanks so much for the dried corn. I haven't tasted it yet but I know it's sweet. Look who grew it. Lots of love Katherine"

Skinner Hall
front "Skinner Hall, Mount Holyoke College South Hadley, Mass."
back Divided back, unused. Published by Robert A. Glesmann, South Hadley, Mass. and The Albertype Co., Brooklyn, NY.

Skinner Hall
front "Skinner Hall, Mount Holyoke College South Hadley, Mass."
back Divided back, postmarked May 15, 1939 7am in South Hadley. Published by Robert A. Glesmann, South Hadley, Mass. and The Albertype Co., Brooklyn, NY. "May 14 - Having a beautiful Sunday afternoon by myself at Mt. Holyoke. I am now sitting under the trees on the slope across the lake, having first inspected the library and the new chapel Blanche P. Fisher"

Skinner Hall
front "Skinner Hall, Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, Mass."
back Divided back, stamp box, unused. Published by C. A. Gridley & Son. #1242 Made in Germany.

Skinner Hall
front "Skinner Hall, Mount Holyoke College. South Hadley, Mass."
back Divided back, unused. Published by The Albertype Co., Brooklyn, NY. Corners show signs of discoloration typical of being kept in an album.

Skinner Hall
front "Skinner Hall, Mount Holyoke College, SOUTH HADLEY, Mass." "Gridley" mark in lower left corner.
back Divided back, unused. Published by The Albertype Co., Brooklyn, NY.

Skinner Hall
front "Skinner Hall, Mount Holyoke College. South Hadley, Mass."
back Divided back, unused. Published by Robert A. Glesmann, South Hadley, Mass. and The Albertype Co., Brooklyn, NY.

Skinner Hall
front "Skinner Hall, Mount Holyoke College, So. Hadley, Mass."
back Divided back, unused. Published by A. S. Kinney, So. Hadley, Mass.

Skinner Hall
front "Skinner Hall, Mount Holyoke College, So. Hadley, Mass." Cross mentioned by writer is on 2nd floor window on the far right of the card. The flaw in the lower right corner is evidently on the original from which this card is made, and is not a flaw on merely this particular card.
back Divided back, postally unused. Published by A. S. Kinney, So. Hadley, Mass. "Dear Dick, This is the place where I must encounter midyears in 18 days. It doesn't look so forbidding does it. It is really quite pretty with nice rooms done in cement or plaster or something. The Greek room is downstairs, French on the ground floor and English & lit. upstairs. I have marked the Eng. room & the lit. one is across from it. The French room is behind the tree & the Greek one doesn't show. Love, Alice"

Section of Mount Holyoke College Campus
front Untitled
back "Section of Mount Holyoke College Campus South Hadley, Massachusetts" Divided back, postmarked Jul 10, 1963 5pm in South Hadley. A Mike Roberts Color Production, Berkeley 2, Calif. Color by Cliff Scofield, Cheshire. Natural Color Card from Kodachrome. Distributed by Mount Holyoke College Bookstore. #SC1632. "7/10/63 Greetings from New England! - Geo. opened last night in "Pygmalion" at Casino in the Park Playhouse here. Weather lovely & cool. Thanks for your card from Quebec. Hope to see you on the 26th. We'll be there just a few days then back up here again! Lovingly, Dorothy & George E."

Skinner Hall
front "Skinner Hall, Mount Holyoke College South Hadley, Massachusetts"
back Divided back, unused. The Albertype Co., Brooklyn, NY

Skinner and Mary Lyon Halls
front "Skinner and Mary Lyon Halls Mount Holyoke College South Hadley Massachusetts" A lovely real photo.
back Undivided back, stamp box, unused. EKC.

Skinner Hall
front "Skinner Hall, Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, Mass."
back Divided back, postmarked May 5, 1922 7am in South Hadley. Published by C. A. Gridley & Son. #1244 Made in Germany. "Just to say I got best room in Sycamores and four other Pearsons girls are there. Love, Hattie." Addressed to Mr. and Mrs. Edgar L. Spaulding.

Skinner Hall
front "Skinner Hall, Mount Holyoke College. South Hadley, Mass."
back Divided back, postmarked Jun 9, 1936 10am in South Hadley. Published by Robert A. Glesmann, South Hadley, Mass. and The Albertype Co., Brooklyn, NY. "June 8. Today has been the Big Day & now Peggy has her diploma. Weather continues fine & tomorrow [...] off to Boston (where we will call for mail) Send next to Westown [...] We won't stay in N. E. more than 3 or 4 days. Hope you & [...] are OK. Much love Mother. Had picnic supper on Mt Thom tonight"

Skinner Hall from Campus
front "Skinner Hall from Campus, Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, Massachusetts" I also own the negative that was used to create this card
back Divided back, unused. Artvue Post Card Co., 225 Fifth Ave., New York, NY

Skinner Hall
front "Skinner Hall, Mount Holyoke College, So. Hadley, Mass." The flaw in the lower right corner is evidently on the original from which this card is made, and is not a flaw on merely this particular card.
back Divided back, postmarked Sep 2?, 19?? 5:30 in South [Hadley?]. Published by A. S. Kinney, So. Hadley, Mass. "Dear Priscilla, This is the building where I have most of my recitations: English, Latin, English Literature, and Trigonometry. On the other side of the hall are some broad steps. Here the seniors sit, on pleasant Sunday evening, while the others gather round them, and all sing college songs and hymns. I went to one of these campus sings yesterday. I wish you could be here with me. It is all very lovely. Viola."
[In the book!]

#18 Skinner Hall and Mary Lyon Hall
front "Skinner Hall and Mary Lyon Hall Mt. Holyoke College Series 18"
back Undivided back, stamp box, unused. AZO.

Skinner Hall
front "Skinner Hall, Mount Holyoke College. South Hadley, Mass."
back Divided back, postmarked Nov 4, 1922 10am in South Hadley. Stamp missing. Published by A. S. Kinney and The Albertype Co. "Crest View South Hadley Mass., Nov. 3, 1922 Dear Harold, This week I have been especially busy. There have been lectures almost every night which we were supposed to attend. But we have had such marvelous weather! To-day is the first rainy day for some time. Last Mon. morning I got up a[t] six o'clock and went for a walk before breakfast. Just think of it! We had been speaking about how some people can wake themselves up at any hour the[y] want, so I decided to try the experiment. It really worked. When I looked at my watch it was just 5 min. after 6. I am convinced that I began the process of waking up at exactly 6 o'clock. You have written to me so often that I really don't see how I can answer all your letters. But don't stop writing all together. Ethel"
[In the book!]

Skinner Hall Real Photo
front Untitled real photo view of Skinner Hall.
back Divided back, postmarked Sep 27 1917 [?] in South Hadley. "Received the "nightie" yesterday and it is just dandy I should think you might have had it hustle. How's the tatting coming on? This building is where I have most of my recitations. A new one called Skinner Hall. Love to all D."
[In the book!]

Skinner Hall
front "Skinner Hall, Mount Holyoke College. SOUTH HADLEY, Mass." Marked Gridley in the bottom left.
back Divided back, postmarked Oct 17, 1918 12:30pm in South Hadley, Mass. Published by The Albertype Company, Brooklyn NY. "I got the check today. I can always get them cashed here at the bookstore. This afternoon I took a 50 minute period of exercise in rowing on upper lake. I got along much better than I expected. We are going to have another holiday tomorrow if the weather is good. This is Skinner where we have all classes but sciences. It really looks much better than this. Miss Temple spoke to me yesterday after class. She said my work was such that she thought I must have done extra work in French before I came. Isn't that exciting? Catharine"

Skinner Hall
front "Skinner Hall, Mount Holyoke College. South Hadley, Massachusetts" A Mount Holyoke pennant sticker is adhered to the front.
back Divided back, postally unused, but addressed and inscribed. Published by The Albertype Company, Brooklyn NY. "Dear Gordon - Just got your letter; write again!! This is where some of my classes are held. Tell Dolly I'll give her a dollar for Blackie if she'll send him up so I can see how he's put together. And that's a lot!! 'Cause we only pay 50c per cat here. Love, Gertrude"

Skinner Hall
front Untitled illustration of Skinner Hall. Signed by Charles H. Overly.
back Divided back, stamp box, unused. "Mount Holyoke College Skinner Hall" Published by The Charles Overly Studio, Sudbury, MA 01776

Skinner Hall
front "Skinner Hall, Mount Holyoke College. South Hadley, Mass." Rightmost rooms are marked with Xs and labelled "Eng." and "Eng. Lit." Front left corner room is labelled "Latin"; "French" is below the tree in the far left; "Mathematics" is behind the tree and probably not visible in the scan; it's barely visible in real life!
back Divided back, postmarked Oct 13, 1921 7am in South Hadley. Published by A. S. Kinney and The Albertype Co. "Dear Folks: Just a card to-night to prove to you that I am so busy studying that I haven't time for more. Yes, mes amis, I do study and that I do most of the time. Just because I don't talk about it is no proof that I don't do it. Yes I get so tired of it that I don't want to write about it. Am feeling much better. Love, Hattie. Classes in rooms with X" Addressed to Mr. and Mrs. Edgar L. Spaulding.

Skinner Hall
front Real photo view of Skinner Hall.
back Divided back, postmarked Jan 1917, 10am in South Hadley. "Thanks for the picture which I like & for the nice letter. There is being shown here finished blue prints of faculty house drawn by Newhall & Blevins, Park St. Boston - More later. Love from A."

Skinner Hall
front "Skinner Hall, Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, Mass." An X is inked in between the tree and the building to the far left on the card. Translation: "This is the building where I study literature. I signed it for you on the postcard [near the trees]."
back Divided back, postmarked Apr 7, 1934 12:30pm in South Hadley. Translation courtesy of Sabiha Çelik: "Friday 6, 1934 My dear big sister; I have received your 23rd letter, the letters you have written in my father's shop, and the official receipt, and all the postage stamps you had sent. I will post my permission letter next week. Sent postcard to Mulakat to high school. Wrote postcard to Nesrin. I didn't receive my high school paper. I think it also got lost although all your letters reached me today. I am fine. I cut my hair. Looks really good on me. It is assumedly spring here. Snow stopped that's it no flowers anywhere. I will post Mrs Ahter the official receipt. I had borrowed 8 dollars from her. I will not owe anything to her. I kiss you from your eyes. Regards to all. Leman Avni"

Skinner Hall
front Untitled view of Skinner Hall.
back Divided back, postmarked Sep 19, 1946 6pm in Peterborough, NH. "Skinner Hall Mount Holyoke College South Hadley, Massachusetts" Published by Mount Holyoke College Bookstore. "Thursday. Dear Friends, We left Lois this a.m. all nicely settled. She loves it and found everyone so friendly and democratic. Last night some friends took us to dinner at Lord Jeffrey Inn - Amherst. Bill spoke of how you would have enjoyed it. The Inn at South Hadley, too, is so quaint, we hated to leave. Our best to you and Mother Gorton - Florence / This must be where Cornelia and Emily got their start."