The Sutcliffe Series
These were all postally used between 1906 and 1911. The publisher was J. B. Sutcliffe of Holyoke, Mass. There were at least five cards to the series, according to their numbers.
The Images
All cards are available with both front and back scans, and comments about what is written on the front or back, either by the user or by the publisher, are included below.
- P917 Mary Lyon Hall
- front "Mary Lyon Hall, Mt. Holyoke College So. Hadley, Mass. P917 Pub by J. B. Sutcliffe, Holyoke, Mass." Inscription: "I'm so sorry we could not come down to make a party call. Please remember me to your mother and to that darling baby. Sincerely yours Edith D. Calil"
- back Undivided back, stamp box, postmarked Jun 19, 1908 7:30pm in Middletown, CT. Flag cancel, stamp has been removed.
- P918 Mary Lyon Hall
- front "Mary Lyon Hall, Mt. Holyoke College So. Hadley, Mass. P918 Pub by J. B. Sutcliffe, Holyoke, Mass." Inscription: "12-15-'07 Dearest of mothers: Perhaps I won't write a letter this week - I shall be home either Friday evening or sometime Saturday. Am busy as can be for I have exams to give & correct & reports to get out Friday P. M. Didn't hear from Prov. last week but shall look for a letter this week. Lovingly, R. L. H."
- back Undivided back, stamp box, postmarked Dec 16, 1907 10am in South Hadley.
- P919 Mary Lyon Hall
- front "Mary Lyon Hall, Mt. Holyoke College, South Hadley, Mass." #P919 Published by J. B. Sutcliffe, Holyoke, Mass. My first card written in another language! My translator feels that the writer's first language was not German, since there are several construction errors. Original inscription, with corrections in parentheses: "Enschuldigen Sie, das wir so lange nichts von uns horen liesen, den(n) die kleine Alma ist sehr krank. Jetzt hatt(e) sie schon den 4. Am fug stark die Wind-Blattern, sund der Mrs. Kusnick arbeitet kurfer von 8 Uhr bis 4 Uhr. ist nichts gutes neues bei uns zu horen, hoffentlich geht es Ihn(en) besser wie uns. mit Gruss v. Familie Kusnick" Translation: "Please forgive us for not having heard from us for such a long time, because the little Alma is very ill. Now she has already the 4th relapse and strongly the [chicken pox.] Mr. Kusnick works shorter now, from 8 to 4:00. No good news to be heard from us. Hopefully you are better than we are. With greetings, family Kusnick" The translation for "chicken pox" looks odd, since it's not something one has four relapses of, but that's what our author seems to have written here.
- back Undivided back, postmarked Jan 24, 1911 12 midnight in Holyoke, MA. Flag cancel.
- P920 The Observatory
- front "The Observatory, Mt. Holyoke College, South Hadley, Mass." #P920 Published by J. B. Sutcliffe, Holyoke, Mass. Inscription: "Dear Sadie: If nothing happens I will be down Sunday and we will go some where Lena."
- back Undivided back, stamp box, postmarked May 25, 1906 7:30am in South Hadley Falls. Transit mark May 25, 1906 11am in Springfield, and May 25, 1906 12:30pm in Springfield's Highland Station.
- P921 New Library
- front "New Library. Mt. Holyoke College, South Hadley, Mass." #P921 Published by J. B. Sutcliffe, Holyoke, Mass. Inscription: "Hurrah! Good for you, Brother! Just keep it up, and I will bet on you. How are you getting along? Are you getting back into the way of studying yet? It will be easier after a little while. E. C. L."
- back Undivided back, postmarked Jan 29, 1906 5pm in South Hadley. Transit mark Jan 29, 1906 8pm in Springfield, Mass.