Emily Hamilton Hucker 1930
Address in 1937: 2061 Cornell Rd Cleveland OH
student 1931-1936 (evenings) University of Buffalo School of Social Work
student 1933-1934 University of Pittsburgh Social Work
student 1936-1937 Western Reserve University
visitor 1932-1933 Department of Social Welfare Buffalo NY
visitor 1933-1934 Family Society of Allegheny Co Pittsburgh PA
visitor 1934
assistant supervisor 1934-1936 ERB Buffalo NY
Emily Hucker lived in 1 Porter, according to the 1926-27 MHC directory.
All information from One Hundred Year Biographical Directory of Mount Holyoke College 1837-1937, Bulletin Series 30, no. 5; published and compiled by the Alumnae Association of Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, Massachusetts