The Early "Green" Cards

[Wilder Hall]


These cards were published at the turn of the century and resembled the images used in private mailing cards, but were printed in a shade of green. The ones that I have that are postally used were postmarked in 1905.

The Images

All cards are available with both front and back scans, and comments about what is written on the front or back, either by the user or by the publisher, are included below.

Mary Wilder Hall
front "Mary Wilder Hall, Mt. Holyoke College, So. Hadley, Mass." Inscription: "Dear Aunt Lizzie, - Arrived here all right. My room-mate's trunk has arrived but mine probably will not come until morning. We have a very large room (a corner one with three windows on the ground floor of Mary Wilder Hall.) Our Post Office Box is 338, so my address is Mt. Holyoke College, South Hadley, Mass, Box 338. It is beautiful here. The buildings are magnificent, many of them brownstone. The girls are very very kind to us Freshmen and a great many have called. I have marked my room with a cross. We are in one of the best Halls in the college. Yours with much love, Elsie M. Burnham."
back Undivided back, postmarked Sep 29, 1905 12midnight in South Hadley, and Sep 29, 1905 8:30pm in Newburyport, Mass.

Elizabeth Mead Hall
front "Elizabeth Mead Hall, Mt. Holyoke College, South Hadley, Mass."
back Undivided back, stamp box, unused.

Dwight Memorial
front "Dwight Memorial, Art Building, Mt. Holyoke College, So. Hadley, Mass." Inscriptions: "Darling - This is the place to look for "fine arts". Perhaps we might get a few points here. As ever Annise" and "6-2-'05"
back Undivided back, stamp box. Addressed, but never mailed.

Rockefeller Hall
front "Rockefeller Hall, Mt. Holyoke College, South Hadley, Mass." Inscription: "This is the building and lawn that my little upstairs porch overlooks and" (a word is crossed out and the word "Mother" is written over it) the author
back Undivided back. Postmarked Sep 22, 1905 7:30pm in Holyoke, MA, with a transit mark on Sep 23 9am in Plainfield, NJ. Flag cancel.

Rockefeller Hall
front "Rockefeller Hall, Mt. Holyoke College, South Hadley. Mass." Inscription: "I hear you are making a collection of souviner [sic] postcards here is one to help the good cause along will send a comic one later I expect to come home next week some time May F. B. Hogan. Box 348"
back Undivided back, postmarked Sep 12, 1905 5:15pm in Holyoke, Mass. Transit mark from Fitchburg, Mass practically illegible due to placement almost exactly on the Holyoke mark. Flag cancel.

The Gymnasium
front "The Gymnasium, Mt. Holyoke College, South Hadley, Mass."
back Undivided back, stamp box, unused.