[It was possible to put a year on the letter due to the fact that Julia mentioned the new teachers at the end of the letter. They all graduated "last year" in 1844 and started working at the Seminary in 1844, so it must be October 1844.]Mt Holyoke Sem So Hadley Oct 23
My dear friend Hatty,
Ever mindful, though neglectful of my promise to write to you, I at last and for the first time, sit me down for the purpose of communicating to you through the medium of my pen, all the intelligence that may be interesting and to apologize for my past remissness. The return of the month of Oct has again brought me to the fountain of knowledge.
Here I am safely and pleasantly ensconced in No 47 with a cousin from the same town and of the same name as myself, for a roommate. I enjoy myself finely but miss the loved forms that the last year so often greeted my eye. Strange faces now fill the place of familiar ones and no longer am I under the immediate care of that dear one, who was our partner in joy or sorrow - the affectionate teacher of our section. Perhaps dear Hatty you will like to know who of our section are again enclosed by Holyokes walls I will try to mention them alphabetically, as we used to sit in "Room A". First comes your seatmate Lydia Baldwin as fat and affectionate as ever. Next Miss Dunklee, Mary Morgan, Maria Olmsted, Lizzy Pitkin and Helen Wells. Miss Webster has a section of new scholars but says she never can love a section as she did ours. You can imagine but I cannot describe her joy at seeing us upon our return. Miss Moore is now our section teacher.
The Sem is full to overflowing. There were about three hundred at the commencement of the year. Many for various reasons have left. They are much more particular than usual in their examinations. I have just finished the study of Rhetoric. Was much better pleased with it than I expected to be. Have you heard from your "chum" Hatty Smith? I have neither seen or heard from her. I received a letter during the vacation from Julia Currier also one from Mary Thompson who is here this year - Strange that I should have forgotten her.
It is now evening Hatty and again I am seated at my table writing to you. It has been a lovely day and is now a beautiful evening. The house is quiet and nearly all have fallen into the arms of "natures sweet restorer". You will perhaps ask why Julia is not reposing on her couch. The answer is breaf [sic] - She is the bell ringer. Yes Hatty I have the unspeakable happiness of sitting up until ten o'clock at night and rising at half past five in the morning also of ringing all the bells during the day. Do you not envy me the honor and privilege? I have just warned the household to retire and in ten minutes which will be ten o'clock shall sound the stroke of tardiness, perhaps to the utter dismay of some fair delinquent. So good night to thee dear Hatty.
Friday morn, half past five o'clock. You see dear Hatty that I am for the first time in my life an early riser. My imagination even now leads me to the chamber of my Harriet whom I behold sweetly reposing in the arms of Morphis. I had almost forgotten to offer you an apology for not writing before this. I trust you will put on the veil of charity, forget, forgive and restore once more to favor when you have read my account of the vacation[.] In the first place my health was feeble for three or four weeks, after and during that time, we were all so busy that we hardly had time to think of absent friends. My oldest brother left two days before I came here, for Michigan, another brother is soon to leave for Andover to spend a year at least, in studying. thus [sic] you see that we were obliged to be very busy and in addition to this we had a great deal of company, some from Michigan and N York State. I had but very little time to do anything for myself, much less to write to friends. Now Hatty you have my excuses. Am I not excusable? How is your health? and what have you been doing since you left Holyoke? Give them a great deal of love and numberless kisses for me[.] How I should love to receive a letter from them. Have you made or do you expect to make Hatty Smith a visit this Autumn? If you ever go to West Springfield and do not go to Southampton that is if I am at home, remember - there is an everlasting breach between us. Now dear girl do write very soon a long letter to your ever dear friend,
Miss Bridge is still mistress of the lower regions. Miss Wright is assisting in the domestic department for a few weeks. She hears no recitations and is soon to leave. Miss Reed spends but a part of the year here and our dear Miss Webster leaves at Thanksgiving. Report says she, like the rest, is to be married[.]
ThreeFour of last years graduates have returned as teachers viz Miss Curtis, "Kitty" Porter[,] Mary Brown and Nancy Foote. A new passage has been constructed from the north woodrooms to the back buildings, termed Longmeadow No 30 &c. I supposed all the new arrangements would be interesting therefore penned the above.