Mt. Holyoke College.
So. Hadley, Mass.
Dec 4. 1894
Dear Charles,
I will try this week to give you some more work in the shape of some of my scribbling to read if you havn't [sic] time for such I will tell you now you needn't read it. We celebrated in great shape Saturday. I was inveigled [?] up into Grace Lowes room under the pretention of doing some Analytics but when I got there I was met with an altogether different spirit and ate cocoanut cake and pickles, peach sauce, apples and oranges. It was a grand good spread and I enjoyed it immensely[.] When we got home Anna Sherman brought in three pieces of her cake and a picture, which is very pretty.
Wednesday. All the rest of last evening we had company and so of course I didn't write this.
In addition to the above I had a pretty buckle for a belt of a dress, which came from Leonard Bridge. [I]t was brought forth early in the morning from a very mysterious place.
Altogether it was a very pleasant day.
This morning is a cold one out side but in our room it is warm and comfortable.
You must have been in a sightly place if you had to buy a box for a grand stand.
Mr. Lester must have been worse off than you if you couldn't see any thing without a box.
They had quite a time at Springfield at football[.] I guess they won't get such a chance again soon.
One of the girls here fell on the ice on the day before Thanksgiving and cut an artery in her head but she is getting better[.] Dr. Lowell was away so she had the M. D. from the town.
Two weeks from today I expect to be on the road to Leonard Bridge, when do you start sometime around there I suppose.
Our examinations come this year at the very end of each term instead of two weeks before and it makes a longer stretch than ever. I don't know whether they will make it come straight or not.
Mrs. Mead has gone to attend the funeral of Rev. Henry M. Storrs, a cousin of hers, who delivered the commencement address here my first year. Miss Cowles announced the fact yesterday at breakfast, so we could think of the fact during the day.
I suppose you have sleighing we have snow enough and people who have the vehicle and something to draw it can go sleigh riding but not I.
You have plenty of riding this year I judge so that walking is just as desirable as being walked, but we are not spoiled in that direction.
Thoughts don't seem to flow rapidly so I guess I will not spin longer.
Good Bye
From your little ? sister
M. A. Bliss