A Letter Written on May 16, 1893

Mt. Hol. College
So. Hadley, Mass.
May 16, 1893.

Dear Exits,

Only five weeks more. Wish there wasn't but one. Cold, grip, epidemic, influenza or whatever it is is some better. Cough yet, have to wash handkerchiefs about every other day and enjoy my couch quite well. I go to all my recitations except when it rains then stay in the house. Guess I want some thoroughment. [?] A good many of the girls are having colds much like mine. Somebody is reported almost every day as coming down with a cold. One other girl has come down with the mumps. The girls haven't much confidence in Dr. Lowell so they don't go to her as much as they would to someone who knew something about her business.

Etta and Maria Richardson went for flowers after supper yesterday. They didnt [sic] get in until after half past seven. Etta had pedata violets, yellow violets, fringed poligola [sic - polygala], wind anemone and a buttercup. One of the girls brought in a Jack in the Pulpit yesterday. Are you doing anything with Botany?

Something was the matter with the enjine [sic] last night so the electric lights did not come on at all we had to use the closet lamp.

Prof. Greenwood was at Amherst day before yesterday and it was thought that he would be here yesterday but he did not come. Think he might have.

Prof Mead - Mrs Mead's husband's brother spent Sunday here and spoke Sunday evening. In the gym. exhibition last Thursday evening, the sophomores won the banner. This elated them so that they did not stop their shrieking until the tardy. That is about all the news - Sunday saw a rose breasted grossbeak [sic], a ruby throated hummingbird[,] some orioles, yellow birds et cetera.

Lu Bliss'es aunt who graduated in #62 has been here for several days, by name Miss Bliss

Etta is studying Horace. It takes a good while to get the lessons which they have. This time they have eighty five lines in advance with the review of Carmen Saeculare.

Guess I had better do some studying. It has been raining, looks as though it might try it again -

Vale -
Seraph Bliss

[Anna Bliss's brother married Lulu's mother, so Anna and Lulu are indeed aunt and niece.]