A Letter Written on Mar 15, 1955

[The postmark is not clear; it could be Mar 10, Mar 16, or Mar 18. I'm assuming it's Mar 16, and the letter was written on Mar 15, because Phil wrote another letter on Mar 8 and he had a totally different line of conversation in that one.]

Tuesday night

Dearest Pat,

It is now early Wednesday morning to be truthful so if this sounds a little mixed up you know why. I hope you are well I haven't heard from you for so long I'm being [sic] to fear that you may be seriously ill. Write and tell a person if your [sic] alive or dead.

I saw an excellent movie Friday night "On The Waterfront" you mustn't miss it. Brando is so natural you feel as if you could touch him. Tonight I saw "Suddenly" it was fair.

My battery went dead in the car last week. I had it changed but the garage man said that my voltage control is worn out so I must have it replaced as soon as I have time. Another $15. or $20. down the drain. O well easy come easy go. But Ouch!!

Our weather has turned colder again after a few days of spring. I envy my parents on their south. Aunt Ebbs is keeping house for Brownie. By the way if your [sic] a good girl maybe we can get you a kitten this summer I'll try. I hated to disappoint you at Christmas.

My big tests are coming up in 3 weeks and I'm more choked now than I was for finals. I just don't know the material.

The more I think of it the better I like the idea. Why don't you please try to come out over vacation. PLEASE!! Maybe your mother would like a ride you might even call mine if you possibly could. After you see our beautiful campus maybe you'll transfer or is that too much to ask. Hope to see you soon.

All my love,

P.S. Let me know your plans[.] Maybe when you get home you'll find you can make the trip. Try.!!