le 6 août, 1959
Chere Sue Ellen,
I was glad to hear from you, but unhappy that your letter had to be the bearer of sad news.
Alot [sic] has happened around here since my last letter to you. Last Monday night a marvelous magician came to school. He was completely paralyzed on his right side. Did the trick that some of us put a personal object in an envelope. After shuffeling [sic] them he returned the things to their owners. He gave me back my ring. The thing I liked about this man is that after he finished all his stunts he explained. At this time he said & showed us
thathe wasn't paralyzed at all. He pretended to be, so he would play on our emotions.Tuesday at 7:00 a.m. we departed for the mountains. We had to take two trains to get to the village of our destination. It
's name is Chateau d'Oex. We took one large cable car up part of the mountain; and then we took small cars which held two people. It was oodles of fun. After eating lunch two of my friends & I decided to climb the remaining part of the mountain. Unfortunately we didn't have enough time to go all the way to the top. It was a beautiful sight from the top. You could see the village nestled in the mountains.On Monday seven of us went out to dinner. We had "fondue" for a main course. I've probably written to you before about it. It's beef boiled in oil, and then you put it in some delicious sauces. For desert [sic] we had a double chocolate hot fudge sundae. Did we eat, but boy it's good.
Sue Ellen, I skipped over the best part. August first we had a dance with Schmidt's. We went up to the mountains for dinner & dancing. When we go there we played Cat & Mouse & "Wincumb." For the games I met a boy named Teddy, age 16, from Antwerp, Holland. He has blonde hair in a crew cut, and beautiful eyes and lashes. I was with him for the whole evening. We went outside and he won two little dogs for me at a shooting gallery. Did we only go to the shooting gallery? No, we went for a little walk and - - - - He's so nice.
You're probably wondering what happend [sic] to Kenny Wolfe. You see, part of the boys must spend a few weeks in the mountains. That's where he was and still is. This is probably very fickle sounding, but I don't know who I like better.
On Sunday, Aug. 2, we went to the movies. As Teddy had said to me the night before, he met me at the tram station & went with me. There were someother [sic] boys there, but they decided to go into Lausanne & look around. In other words find some girls. He was the only one out of 20 boys who stayed. Nothing exciting happened at the movies. It was in French, but I understood it. To tell you the truth, I wasn't paying attention to it.
So far I've- [sic] lost 3 pounds. Still have about five more to go. Unfortunately, last night we had a big party. Didn't gain anything though. One of my best friends just left today her parents gave us an enormus [sic] box of chocolates and one of cookies. We're eating them now.
The girl from Germany, my roomate [sic], left today and so did one of my American roomates. [sic] So, one of my roomates [sic] is supposed to come from Italy I don't know where the other will be from. I'm sure it won't be from America.
On August 15 & 16 were [sic] going to Lucern for two concerts. Guess who's playing? Arthur Rubinstein and Yehudi Menuin. Shouldn't it be fab!?
This Saturday we're going to a ballet in Lausanne. The girls told me that last year it was terrible. It doesn't really matter.
This news is really exciting! I think Larry & I are going to Paris. Of course we'll have to go with a chaperone. I hope the director of my schools says we can go. Maybe London also. Doesn't it sound great.
Tuesday I went all the way around the lake on one ski. It was my first time. I was so thrilled. Can't wait to go again.
My homework for tomorrow's French class is to write a composition entitled: Mon arrivée au Grand Verger. - which means My arrival at Le Grand Verger. What a disgusting topic. This will be our first written assignment. I glanced at the French exam Mrs
PearsonsPersons gave me. Already I've had most of it. My teacher won't give me any extra lessons, but today I'm taking one to clearify [sic] some things.Just received your other letter Friday. I guess your [sic] sort of mixed up about Harold & Ronnie.
I remember Sonia very well. She used to be in my ballet class at Marmein's. She was so cute then I can't imagine her any cuter.
My new roomate [sic] just came. Her name is Mappi Alberti. Comes from Italy. She has blonde hair and is sort of cute. The other girl hasn't arrived as of yet.
One of my best friends just left. (When I say just, I mean within the past hour). Her father is in the Air Force stationed in Paris. If I go there I'll see her.
Thank-you for sending the autograph books. They haven't arrived as of yet, but they'll probably be here soon. Please don't buy me anything for my birthday. The Bon Voyage Party was plenty. Please send me the pictures & I'll pay you for them when I get home.
Your social life at home sound[s] great! at least it's better than here. I so rarely see any boys. Yesterday on the tram to Lausanne I saw some boys from Schmidt. He wasn't with them because he's in the mountains by now.
Well - See You In September. Can't wait to get home & see everyone. Give my regards to your family.
Love always,