A Letter from Bertha Martin
to Carrie Gowing
Oct 8, 1907

Dear Carrie:

I cannot remember whether I answered your last letter or not. I have the impression that I didn't, so I will be real virtuous and write to you to-day.

It seems very nice to be back at college again. I haven't had to work very hard yet but I see plenty ahead of me to keep me more than busy. I have a very interesting schedule this year. Am taking Zoology, Astronomy, Psychology, Chaucer, Structure & Eighteenth Century Prose & Poetry. Miss Wallace isn't here this year so Miss Moody is our instructor. In Eighteenth Century Prose and Poetry I have a new instructor - Miss Harper. I believe she is the homliest specimen of humanity I have ever laid my eyes upon. She is quite nice but expects you are going to spend all your time preparing for her recitation.

Our room is very pleasant and looks quite pretty I think I will draw you a picture of it. My proportions aren't very good but this diagram will give you a little idea how the room looks.

I wish you might walk in this P.M. & see us. Leila has gone home for over Sunday so I am a lonely deserted widower - I am going home with her Mt. day and Thanksgiving. Mary Davis was in South Hadley last Sunday. She came Saturday evening & went to Albany Monday P.M. It seemed awfully good to have her here again. Leila and I had supper in our room Sunday evening and we had Mary & Miriam over to it.

If I have answered your last letter, I probably told you not to worry over the secret which I mentioned in one of my letters and which seemed to trouble you so much. Really, Carrie, I am neither love sick or engaged and the secret is something in which I am not concerned. It is merely something about a mutual acquaintance, so do not be alarmed.

I went out walking this AM and brought home three cunning caterpillars. Have put two to-gether in one box and one alone in another. I am hoping that they will spin cocoons and come out gorgeous butterflies next spring.

Edith Damon is teaching in some school for "niggers" down south. Julia Adams is in some college in the west. Louise Seymour is teaching 8th and 9th grades & 1st two years in a High School somewhere in Connecticut. Katherine Rogers is attending a business college at home.

I must close. Now whether you already owe me a letter or not I expect you to write "P. D. Q."

Bertha M-

Box 172
Mt. Holyoke. College