Bessie B. Nesbit
Mount Holyoke College
South Hadley, Mass.Tues. May 14, 1940
Dear Mama & Papa,
It was so nice to see you both on Wed and then on Sun. It was such a great treat. I will speak to Miss Laid [sic] and perhaps Miss Allen in respect to my room some time this week. Thanks ever so much for all you have done.
We are all very much excited about the news from Europe & we are talking about it nearly all the time. It certainly is bad. If Italy once joins up with Hitler, I think we'll go in right away.
Mr. Bailey is coming to dinner tomorrow night. Sylvia and I have asked Miss Laird out to tea next Tues. afternoon.
Sally had a nice time in Boston over the week end. A Freshman in Brigham Hall has been dismissed from college for ten days. I'll write you the particulars later.
We have a required chapel to morrow [sic] morning and we all think it will be on books missing from the Reserve Shelves in the Libe.
The sun has just come out and the weather is much more cheerful.
I can't seem to make up my mind whether I am going to have a cold or not. My head feels very heavy and my eyes and nose bother me.
I think that is about all the news at present.
Whenever you are in a flush condition, I have a very outstanding bill at the bookstore of about $26 and a few minor debts. I could also consume a little grub.
Mama do you remember my asking about tenderized meat?
B. N.