A Letter Written on May 21, 1940

[Some paragraph breaks added for ease of reading.]

Bessie B. Nesbit
Mount Holyoke College
South Hadley, Mass.

Tues. May 21, 1940

Dear Mama & Papa,

Hello! How was Conference? Thank you for the special, Papa. I had my last Chem. lab yesterday & I am I glad. Last night we went to a village festival which was a lot of fun. We watched the square-dancing, bought food and had a good time.

This afternoon Sylvia & I took Miss Laird to tea. We had a lot of fun. To night we had a cause picnic so we ate in the Spanish teacher's room. She gave me a little picture of herself. Sylvia went home last week end and brought some lovely violets back. Miss Laird gave us some lilies-of-the-valley today. They smell so sweet.

The news from Europe certainly is bad. The French & English just have to stop the Germans. What do you think of Limberg's attitude? I think somebody ought to punch him in the nose.

I must close now and study for a chem quiz.

Love, Bessie

A Junior won the Religion essay prize.