Single Photos, post-1920



These photos weren't part of an album, and they weren't postcards, but just photos that were found by themselves. If they were found as a group, it is noted here.

The Images

All photos are available with both front and back scans, if there is something on the back, and comments about what is written on the front or back are included below.

College Soccer Team, 1926
front Untitled photo of twelve soccer players; location unclear, but cars visible in background. Heavily creased and very glossy, which caused some glitches in this scan.
back Photo by Harry Gordon, Holyoke, MA. Heavy creases visible in center. "College Soccer Team - which played against the faculty in 1926. Press Bureau Mount Holyoke College South Hadley Massachusetts."

Student in her Room
front "Informality is the keynote of the photo, with Miss Anne Chenoweth of Chicago hard at work on her studies in her room ... Mount Holyoke College." A photo issued by the Press Bureau at Mount Holyoke.

Freshman Class 1938
front "Freshman Class - So. Hadley Mt. Holyoke - Mass. April 9 - 1938" and a signature that looks like Burnes Studio in the bottom right corner. The students are seated on the steps of Skinner Hall.

Porter Hall, circa 1941
front A group of approximately 100 students seated outside Porter Hall with an older woman in the front and center; I would guess these are all the residents of Porter Hall for a particular year, and since I found this in a 1941 yearbook, I would further guess that it is approximately 1941 when this photo was taken.

Class Photo circa 1931
front This photo, taken on the senior steps of Skinner Hall, was discovered among the papers of Marjorie Adams Hughes 1931, so I am guessing it's a 1931 class photo. On the back is the inscription "7-8-102", and since the photographer's mark on the front says "8-102" I suspect the back inscription is a photographer's marking too.

Student on College Street, circa 1962
front A student strolling up College Street in front of the College. Found in a 1962 yearbook.

A Collection of Drama Photos, circa 1929
photo #1 These eight photos were all owned at one time by Marjorie Adams Hughes 1931. A scene in an Egyptian marketplace. Check out the snake charmer! #8489
photo #2 A scene in an Egyptian play. No markings on back. The elephant is great! #8490 (This photo was not found with Majorie's stash, but it was the missing one in this series and I thought I should include it here.)
photo #3 A scene in an Egyptian play. No markings on back. #8491
photo #4 A scene in a dorm room. A "Dartmouth 1929" pennant on the wall. #8492
photo #5 A scene in a tavern. Photo service by Harry Gordon, Holyoke, Mass.
photo #6 A scene in a study, with a woman in a kimono and several women dressed as men. Not labelled, but I believe it is a scene from "What Every Woman Knows," from May 11, 1929.
photo #7 A scene in a parlor. Several women dressed as men. Not labelled, but I believe it is a scene from "What Every Woman Knows," from May 11, 1929.
photo #8 A romantic scene in a parlor. #8059 Photo service by Harry Gordon, Holyoke, Mass. Inscription on back: "What Every Woman Knows - Barrie / May 11, 1929 / John - Ruth Blunt / Maggie - Marjorie Tuck"
photo #9 A scene in a parlor. #8060 Photo service by Harry Gordon, Holyoke, Mass. Inscription on back: "What Every Woman Knows - Barrie / May 11, 1929 / Father Wylie - Mary Ellen Hayes / David Wylie - Estelle Aue / James Wylie - Nelda Reymann / Maggie - Marjorie Tuck / John [...] - Ruth Blunt / Lady Sibyl Lenderten - Juliana Weil"

Summit, circa 1922
front A photo torn from an album or scrapbook, and purchased with a piece of 1922 memorabilia, so I assume it's from that era. Three students on their way to the summit of Mount Holyoke.

Edna Frederick, 1927
front Graduation portrait in a folder. Inscription: "Edna C. Frederick Mount Holyoke '27"

Congregational Church
front 1970s view of the Congregational Church next to Dwight.
front 1970s view of the Congregational Church next to Dwight. Inscription on back: "Mt Holyoke College Church Front"

Wedding, 1927
front A paper enclosed with the photo in the folder disclosed: "Wedding picture of Eleanor R. Kaltenthaler M.H.C. '22 and J. Gibson McIlvain Bunting June 4, 1927 / Left to right. Bridesmaids Mount Holyoke College alumnae Mary E. Reynolds '22, Gladys Allen Brigham '21, Dr. Ella M. Freas '19, J. G. M. B & E. R. K. Maid of Honor Eleanor M. Moore '22 (cousin of bride) Bridesmaids Clara Atlee (groom's cousin), Helen Stelle '22, Sarah E. Thompson G. F. S. '18 Germantown Friends School classmate"

Silver Bay, 1921
front "YWCA Silver Bay 1921" A group of women in front of Fisher Gymnasium. On the back is the inscription: "Mt. H's Silver Bay Delegation - June 1921 -"

Dorm Photo, circa 1930
front A photo outside Mead Hall. Found in a 1930 yearbook.

Dorm Room, 1937-1938
front A student room with toys on the bed. Inscription on the back: "Room of Meg McKay (Merle McKay Wood Dexter) at Mt. Holyoke College 1937-1938"

Mary Lyon Hall
front Mary Lyon Hall, by The City/Maynard Workshop, Waban, Mass.

Porter Hall, 1924
front Found inside a 1924 Llamarada. Approximately 100 students and their dorm mother posing outside Porter Hall.
back All the students and their class years carefully inscribed on the back. Also includes some nicknames!

Eleanor Abrams 1924
front A photo found tucked in the pages of a 1923 yearbook. Unidentified, but the yearbook was once owned by Eleanor Abrams 1924, and a look at that yearbook confirmed that this photo was of her.

A Collection of Drama Photos, circa 1944
photo #1 These seven photos were all found inside a 1944 Llamarada. This one is cropped, and shows male and female students in an auditorium (Hooker?) talking to one another.
photo #2 Formal ballroom attire on these six couples, plus two other couples dressed more casually.
photo #3 Some glittery costumes on the far left, and a giant structure named Junior on the right.
photo #4 Seven women in white in the center, plus other cast members smiling from behind them.
photo #5 Maybe a full cast picture. Love the bunny in the center, and the first prize vegetables on the right.
photo #6 Three men in conversation, while two women watch them intently. Four others in the background are engrossed in their own drama.
photo #7 Many members of the cast. Six Robin Hoods, some maids, and some couples.

Students, circa 1950
front Untitled snapshot of two students in front of the Mount Holyoke College sign at the edge of campus. Undated, but from the fashion it's about 1950.

Class of 1918 in 1968
front Appears to have been taken in Hooker Auditorium. Taken June 2, 1968 by Marie L. Barnes of Rockville MD. Inscription on the back: "Top Row Left / Florence Clark Beal / Ruby Bell Arnold"

Mary Jo Simjian 1960
front Mary Jo Simjian 1960 at graduation.
front Mary Jo Simjian 1960 at graduation.

North Rocky 1956
front Dorm portrait. An accompanying slip of paper identifies each person in the photograph.

Glee Club, circa 1950
front Unlabeled photograph of singing students in Glee Club robes. Found laid inside a 1950 Junior Show songbook.

Covered Bridge, 1951
front Covered bridge. Stamped by R. Gordon Judd, 52 Wauregan Drive, Warwick, RI. Inscription: "So. Hadley, Mass. Taken May 14, 1951"

Covered Bridge, 1951
front Covered bridge. Stamped by R. Gordon Judd, 52 Wauregan Drive, Warwick, RI. Inscription: "So. Hadley, Mass. May 1951"

Frances Perkins
front Portrait of Frances Perkins mounted on cardboard. Behind the photo is a label for Brown Brothers Photographers of New York City. On the back of the mount is a stamp for Culver Pictures, Inc. of New York City.

Snapshot, circa 1920
front A student on skis outside Wilder Hall. From the photo album of Ruth Grout 1923.

The Electra of Euripides, 1921
front These four photos were found together with a program from "The Electra of Euripedes," a production by the Dramatic Club of Mount Holyoke College, held on May 20, 1921. This photo shows a student on horseback, with a small stage in the background.
front Students dancing in circles on Pageant Green.
front Five students wearing white gowns and leafy crowns.
front A procession of costumed students on Pageant Green.

Book Shop Inn, 1950s
front Snapshot of a woman outside the Book Shop Inn. The cars and fashion suggest this was taken in the 1950s. Inscription on the reverse: "snowballing at Mt. Holyoke" Ink stamp: "B46" pencil inscription: "TO6369"

Cloggers, 1927
front Photo by the Press Bureau at Mount Holyoke College. Nov 28 1927 "The results of indoor gym on 5 college girls. Five Cloggers from Mt. Holyoke" "Gym Meet page 250" "Llamarada" [The 1927 Llamarada showed a different photo of the cloggers than this one, on page 257.]

Spring Formal Weekend at Mount Holyoke, 1940
front Snapshot of students in a convertible in front of the library. Inscription on the reverse: "Mory's car - Lincoln Zephyr / Mt Holyoke College - Pearsons / Lucille Falk, Lucille Spitzer, Mart Bornstein[,] Shirley Goldman / Mt Holyoke Spring Formal Week end / May 1940"

Ruth Miles Frost 1925
front Studio portrait by Byrd of Cambridge, Mass. Inscription on the reverse: "Ruth Miles Frost"

Alice Lincoln Miles 1922
front Studio portrait by White Studio of New York. Inscription on the obverse: "Alice Lincoln Miles Mt Holyoke 1922"

Alice Bronson Weed, 1920s
front Portrait of an older woman. Inscription on the reverse: "Alice Bronson Weed"

Hockanum Bridge, 1954
front These three photos were purchased together. Covered bridge. Inscription on the reverse: "Hadley Mass. (From Lillian Meyer - Mar. 31 - '54)"
front Another snapshot of the covered bridge. Inscription on the reverse: "Hadley Mass. (From Lillian Meyer - Mar. 31 - '54)"
front Third view of the covered bridge. Inscription on the front: "Hockanum South Hadley Mass." Stamp on the back: "Robert W. Russell 9 Pond Street Newburyport, Massachusetts" Inscriptions on the back: "Mass." "483W"

President's House, 1920s
front View of the President's House. Inscription on the reverse: "President's House. Return to Edith S. Palmer, Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, Mass." I have other photos marked like this that date to 1921.

World Woman's Christian Temperance Union Convention, 1928
front Photograph by Emile Gos, Petit-Chêne, Richemont No. 20, Lausanne. Inscription on the reverse: "World's W.C.T.U. Officers. from Anna A. Gordon. After Convention in Switzerland. Property of Mabel R. Gilbert" Anna Gordon is third from the left, and I believe Mabel Gilbert is the woman on the far left. Research reveals that the 13th convention of the WCTU took place in Lausanne, Switzerland on July 26-Aug 2, 1928.

Margaret T. Olcott, 1925
front Snapshot of a woman in a vintage dress. Inscription on the reverse: "Margaret T. Olcott in a play "The Neighbors" in Curtis Hall about 1925 costume from Olcott attic" Found laid inside a booklet of letters written by members of the class of 1880 to each other in 1890; image here.

Snowy College Street, circa 1925
front Snapshot of College Street in winter, looking north. On one sign can be seen Mt Holyoke Motel 4 miles, Hadley, Northampton, Greenfield. 116 is atop one of the other sign posts. One sign reads Gate Hill with arrow to the left.