Press Photos, 1929
These photos were taken by various commercial press bureaus to be used with news stories. Publicity photos generated by Mount Holyoke's own press bureau are on this page, not here.
The Images
All photos are available with both front and back scans, if there is something on the back, and comments about what is written on the front or back are included below.
- Mt. Holyoke Students Rehearse for Peageant, 1929
- front Press photo by Acme News Pictures, 461 Eighth Ave, New York City. Reference Dept, May 11, 1929. "B107004 Mt. Holyoke Students Rehearse for Peageant / Students of Mt. Holyoke College, South Hadley, Mass. are rehearsing for a Pageant called "The Little Wanton" to be held on May 11th. Photo shows a scene of "Jamestown" children in the pageant are seen frolicking on "The Village" lawn. Your Credit Line Must Read (ACME)"
- Selected as Queen of the May at Mt. Holyoke College, 1929
- front Press photo by Acme News Pictures, 461 Eighth Ave, New York City. Reference Dept, May 11, 1929. "B106995 Selected as Queen of the May at Mt. Holyoke College / Miss Helen Mason, of New York City, who has been selected Queen of the May, at Mt. Holyoke College, South Hadley, Mass. (Editors: To be released May 11th.) Your credit line must read (ACME)"
- Selected as Queen of the May at Mt. Holyoke College, 1929
- front Press photo by Acme News Pictures, 461 Eighth Ave, New York City. Reference Dept, May 11, 1929. "B106995 Selected as Queen of the May at Mt. Holyoke College / Miss Helen Mason, of New York City, who has been selected Queen of the May, at Mt. Holyoke College, South Hadley, Mass. (Editors: To be released May 11th.) Your credit line must read (ACME)"
- Mt. Holyoke Students Rehearse for Pageant, 1929
- front Press photo by Acme News Pictures, 461 Eighth Ave, New York City. Reference Dept, May 11, 1929. "B107003 Mt. Holyoke Students Rehearse for Pageant / Students of Mt. Holyoke College, South Hadley, Mass. are rehearsing for a Pageant, called "The Little Wanton" to [be] held on May 11th. Photo shows Katherine Laselle, of Westbury, L.I., as the "Jester" in the Pageant. Your Credit Line Must Read (ACME)"
- Mt. Holyoke Students Rehearse for Pageant, 1929
- front Press photo by Acme News Pictures, 461 Eighth Ave, New York City. Reference Dept, May 11, 1929. "B107005 Mt. Holyoke Students Rehearse for Pageant / Students of Mt. Holyoke College, South Hadley, Mass. are rehearsing for a Pageant, called "The Little Wanton" to be held on May 11th. Photo shows - - The "Goddess", of Discord is seen with her two pages. Left to right - - Miriam Laughlin of Cohoes, New York, as page; Marion Mills of Elmira, New York, as "Goddess", of Discord and Margaret Astrander [sic], of New Haven, Conn., as Page. Your Credit Line Must Read (ACME)"
- Leaders of Sports at Mt. Holyoke College, 1929
- front Press photo by Acme News Pictures, 461 Eighth Ave, New York City. Reference Dept, May 11, 1929. "B106700 Leaders of Sports at Mt. Holyoke College, South Hadley, Mass. Left to right: - - Alice Allen, '30, of Chicago, Ill., Volley; Marion Emerson, '29, of Manchester, N.H., Tennis; Elizabeth Perry, '29, Worcester, Mass., Baseball; Margaret Moon, '29, Morristown, Pa., Cricket; Virginia Grimes, '30, Phila., Pa., Riding; and Virginia Corbett, '30, Warren, Pa., Track. Your credit line must read (ACME)"
- Candidates Report to Call for Baseball at Mt. Holyoke College, 1929
- front Press photo by Acme News Pictures, 461 Eighth Ave, New York City. Reference Dept, May 11, 1929. "Candidates reporting to call for baseball at Mt. Holyoke,
South Hadley, Mass. are seen watching head coach of baseball who is showing the candidates, as well as Miss Axtell, one of the candidates, of Demarest, Ga., B107001 Candidates report to call for Baseball at Mt. Holyoke / Kathro Kidwell, of Lincoln, Nebraska, head coach of baseball at Mt. Holyoke College, South Hadley, Mass., is seen showing the candidates as well as Miss Axtell one of the candidates, of Demarest, Ga., the proper way to hold a bat. Your credit line must read (ACME)"
- President of the Outing Club at Mount Holyoke, 1929
- front Press photo by Acme News Pictures, 461 Eighth Ave, New York City. Reference Dept, May 11, 1929. "B106999 President of the Outing Class [sic] at Mt. Holyoke / Kate Street, of White Plains, New York, who is president of the Outing Class [sic] at Mt. Holyoke College, South Hadley, Mass. Your Credit Line Must Read (ACME)"
- Sisters are Presidents at Mt. Holyoke College, 1929
- front Press photo by Acme News Pictures, 461 Eighth Ave, New York City, May 11, 1929. "B106997 Sisters are Presidents at Mt. Holyoke College / Here are two sisters who are presidents at Mt. Holyoke college, South Hadley, Mass. Sarah Cope, (left) is President of the Freshman Class, and her sister Frances Cope, is the President of the Junior Class. They both come from Media, Pa. Your credit line must read (BY ACME)."
- Girl from India a Student at Mt. Holyoke College, 1929
- front Press photo by Acme News Pictures, 461 Eighth Ave, New York City. Reference Dept, Dec 3, 1929. "B118028 Girl from India a Student at Mt. Holyoke College / Edith De Lima, of Hyderbad, India, a graduate student in the Department of Education at Mount Holyoke College, Mass., and president of the Cosmopolitan Club at the college. She is shown wearing the sari, the Indian native garb. Your Credit Line Must Read (ACME)"
- Student Leaders at Mount Holyoke College, 1929
- front Press photo by Acme News Pictures, 461 Eighth Ave, New York City. Reference Dept, Dec 3, 1929. "B118-25 Student Leaders at Mount Holyoke College / Wilma Corcoran (left), of Arlington, Mass., president of the Athletic Association, and Eleanor Crary, of East Rockaway, N.Y., editor of the school news, at Mount Holyoke College, Mass. Your credit line must read (ACME)"
- Athletic Leaders at Mount Holyoke College, 1929
- front Press photo; credit is not well stamped, but appears to be Acme News Pictures, 461 Eighth Ave, New York City. Reference Dept, Dec 3, 1929. Inscription on reverse: "B118023 Athletic Leaders at Mount Holyoke College / Here are the students in charge of the various athletic activities at Mount Holyoke College, Mass. Left to right, front row: Nancy Castleman, of Rochester, N.Y., soccor; [sic] Gannett Cope [sic], Media, Pa., tennis; Helen Eckley, Mamaroneck, N.Y., track; Julia Foster, Westfield, N.J., basketball; Nola Sanborn, Washington, D.C., volley ball; Gertrude Addiss, Jersey City, N.J., baseball; and Wilma Corcoran, Arlington, Mass., president of the Athletic Association. Back row: Ruth Marriott, Rutherford, N.J., hockey; and Dorothy Chadwell, Jamaica Plain, Mass., archery. Your credit line must read (ACME)"