Gowing: Other Event Programs

[Miss Kate Margaret Monro]

Class of 1905
envelope Pasted into the album inside a plain white envelope
cover "The Class of Nineteen Hundred and Five" plus the College seal
inside "The Class of Nineteen Hundred and Five invites you to be present at a concert given by Mr. William C. Hammond, assisted by The Quartet Choir of the Second Congregational Church of Holyoke, Mass., at Mary Lyon Chapel, Tuesday evening, May sixteenth, at eight o'clock." Program includes works by Meyerbeer, Beethoven, Grieg, Haydn, Gounod, Donizetti, H. W. Parker, Bizet, Flegier, Buck, Wagner, and Leslie.
laid in program A card that says "Miss Thompson" on it.

Class of 1906
envelope In the album inside an envelope with a return address of "Mount Holyoke College South Hadley, Massachusetts" and addressed to "Carry Gowing College."
cover "The Class of Nineteen Hundred and Six" plus the College seal
inside "The Class of Nineteen Hundred and Six invites you to be present at a concert given by Mr. William C. Hammond, assisted by Miss Julia B. Dickinson and Miss Ellen M. Fitz, at Mary Lyon Chapel, Friday evening, May fourth, at eight o'clock." Program includes works by Handel, Scarlatti, Lully, Tschakowski, Merkel, Volkmann, Rogers, Bricqueville, Grieg, Ries, Brahms, Lemmens, Fairchild, Chadwick, and Wagner.
laid in program A card that says "Miss Kate Margaret Monro" on it.

Senior Dramatics, 1905
front "Senior Dramatics Mount Holyoke College June 6, 1905"
inside Cast and scene listings. Cast includes Harriet Allyn, Hilma Cook, Irene Jerome, Alice Tappen, Flora Curtis, Elizabeth Demarest, Elizabeth Sherwood, Elizabeth Pettee, Helen Bullard, Helen Paddock, Marguerite Bowen, Helen Jones, Kathleen Robinson, and Blanche Emmons.

Easter Services, 1906
front "Mount Holyoke College South Hadley, Massachusetts Easter Services at 10.30 A.M. and 7.15 P.M. Sunday, April 15, 1906"
inside left Order of Service
inside right Order of Service, continued
back Vesper Service

Founder's Day, 1904
front "Founder's Day, Mount Holyoke College Wednesday, November Ninth A. D. Ninteen Hundred and Four South Hadley, Massachusetts" Order of Exercises, including the laying of the corner stone of the new library building.

Founder's Day, 1905
front "Founder's Day, Mount Holyoke College Wednesday, November Eighth A. D. Ninteen Hundred and Five South Hadley, Massachusetts" Order of Exercises, including the dedication of the new library building.
newspaper article From the Springfield newspaper, an article about the dedication of the new library, along with a picture. Most of the article was the contents of a speech made by Rev. William DeWitt Hyde, president of Bowdoin College, who was the principal speaker at the dedication.

Der Konigsleutnant, 1905
front "Mount Holyoke College Der Konigsleutnant Lustspiel von Gustzkow, Den 21 Marz, 1905"
inside Synopsis, and cast. Includes performances by Miss Cummings, Miss True, Miss Phipps, Miss Towne, Miss Carney, Miss Demarest, Miss Tyler, Miss Scheirer, Miss Woodbury, Miss Tillman, Miss Pitts, Miss Morgan, Miss Stetson, and Miss Rockwell.

Wesleyan Glee and Mandolin Clubs, 1906
front "Wesleyan Glee and Mandolin Clubs Assisted by Mr. R. L. Forman, Reader/Mary Lyon Chapel Mt. Holyoke College Tuesday, January Sixteenth nineteen hundred and six"
inside Program, parts one and two.
ticket "Right E3 Floor Tuesday Jan. 16 [1906] Retain This Check" This was for the Wesleyan Glee and Mandolin Clubs concert.

Brown University Glee, Banjo and Mandolin Clubs, 1905
front "Brown University Glee, Banjo and Mandolin Clubs Mount Holyoke College January 10, 1905"
inside Program, parts one and two.

Concert by the Glee, Banjo and Mandolin Clubs, 1905
program The outside was the only scannable part. Inside: "Concert by the Glee, Banjo and Mandolin Clubs Mary Lyon Chapel February 21, 1905" Performances by Edna Johnson '06, Dorothy Waldo '08, Miss Robinson '05, Avis Baston '08, Helen Noyes '06, and music by Gay '04 and Averill '93. Also included a list of the members of the Glee, Banjo, and Mandolin Clubs for that year.
ticket "Mary Lyon Chapel, Mt. Holyoke College Tuesday Evening Feb. 21 [1905] Glee Club Concert Floor Right G10 Floor Concert Evening Feb. 21 Jacobs. Springfield, Mass."

Concert by Mary Howe, 1906
front A picture of Mary Howe; inside, a list of her appearances and comments about her performances from the press.
front A separate piece of ephemera. "Mary Lyon Chapel Mount Holyoke College Friday, March 2, 1906 at 8 p. m. Song Recital by Mary Howe Assisted by Edwin A. Franklin, Flutist Walter Travers, Pianist" Performance includes works by Donizetti, Grieg, G. Lucien Howe, Chopin, Schubert, Massenet, Strauss, Alibieff, David, Cowen, Brownell, Liza Lehmann, and Eckert.
ticket "Left B5 Floor Friday Mar. 2" [1906] Ticket for the Mary Howe recital.

Lecture on Early English Music, 1906
front "Mount Holyoke College Wednesday, March 14, '06, 8 p. m. Lecture on Early English Music by Dr. George C. Gow (Professor of Music, Vassar College) Illustrations by the Second Church Quartet of Holyoke Miss Marion S. Murlless, Soprano Mrs. Cora Mae Knapp, Alto Mr. Ralph C. Knapp, Tenor, Mr. Guy Beman, Bass"
inside left Programme
inside right Programme

Piano Recital, May 8, 1906
front "Mount Holyoke College Department of Music (Students' Series) Piano Recital Clara Cecilia Altenkirch '06 Tuesday, May 8, 1906, 5 p. m." On the program: Beethoven, Liszt, Grieg, and Moszkowski.

Piano Recital, May 28, 1906
front "Mount Holyoke College Department of Music (Students' Series) Piano Recital May L. Farrar '06 Monday, May 28, 1906, 5 p. m." On the program: Grieg, Mozart, Sinding, and Moszkowski.

Pianoforte Recital, 1907
front "Pianoforte Recital by Pupils of Mrs. M. Jennie Clifton-Puffer Assisted by Mrs. Nettie S. Roberts, Contralto Wednesday June 12, 1907, at 8 o'clock 64 Thirteenth Street, Lowell, Mass." Program includes several pieces performed by Carrie Gowing and her sister Mary Gowing. Part of a letter Mary wrote to Carrie can be seen with the other hand-written notes from the scrapbook.

Violin Recital, May 25, 1906
front "Mount Holyoke College Department of Music Recital by the Violin Students Friday, May 25, 1906, 7.30 p. m." Performances by Edna Johnson '06 and Dorothy Waldo '08; Also listed: Avis Baston, Mary Corsa, Verna Green, Margaret McClary, Helen Noyes, Ethel Swift, Charlotte Woods, Ellen Fitz, and Clara Altenkirch.

Recital, May 15, 1906
front "Mount Holyoke College Department of Music Recital Miss Priscilla Shumway '06, Soprano Miss Mary B. Sewall '06, Alto Miss Mabel A. Noble '07, Pianist Tuesday, May 15, 1906, 5 p. m." On the program: Dvorak, Gaul, Gaynor, Meyer-Helmund, Tosti, Lalo, Schumann, and Burleigh.

Mount Holyoke College, May 9, 1906
front "Mount Holyoke College May 9, 1906." "Education we are often told is a drawing out of the faculties."
inside "Old men shall have good old plays to delight 'em, And you fair ladies and gallants that slight 'em, We'll treat with good new plays, if our new wits can write 'em", and an outline of five scenes.
back "Come, children, let us shut up the box and the puppets, for the play is played out."

Mock Graduation
front "Mock Graduation of the Class of 1920 from the Model High School, Given by the Senior Class of Mt. Holyoke College, Wednesday Afternoon, December 7, 1904." Program of events, and lyrics to three verses of the class ode.

Pride and Prejudice, May 15, 1906
front and back "Pride and Prejudice Presented by the Class of 1908 of Mount Holyoke College This play is given through the kindness of the Zeta Alpha Society of Wellesley College May Fifteenth Nineteen Hundred Six" On the back, the Dramatic Committee is listed as Dorothy Waldo, Chairman, and Ruby Hutton, Jean Hammond, Edith Conklin, and Ethel Clark, members.
inside Cast of characters, and an outline of the scenes within each act. Those who had roles in the play include Marion Gibbs, Marion Lewis, Margaret Palmer, Claudia Potter, Mary Van Divort, Ruth Goodnow, Harriet Boutelle, Faith Bolles, Jessie Teal, Eunice Burton, Marion Ober, Dora Orr, Mary Noyes, Marjorie Wheeler, Ethel Clark, Helen Evans, Evelyn Thompson, Emily Warren, Mary Dodge, and Tyna Helman.

Much Ado About Nothing, March 13, 1906
front "Much Ado About Nothing Presented by the Senior Class of Mt. Holyoke March Thirteenth Nineteen Hundred Six"
inside Cast of characters, and an outline of the scenes within each act. Those who had roles in the play include Ruth Gamsby, May LeVene, Mary Blanchard, Katherine Carpenter, Mildred Gutterson, Elsie Piper, Rachel Jarrold, Lilla Clement, Ethel Smith, Amy Morse, Lottie Bishop, Sara Marty, Vera Timm, Mary Burhoe, Margaret Wells, Lucy Humeston, Gertrude Heath, Jean Gretter, Elinore Cowan, Marianne Hellyar, and Catherine Burdick.
ticket A Mount Holyoke College [Library]-embossed ticket with a "R18" on it. May be the ticket to this event, as they are pasted next to each other in the scrapbook.

Christmas Recital, 1905
front "Mary Lyon Chapel Mount Holyoke College Friday Evening, December 15, 1905 at Eight O'Clock Christmas Recital William C. Hammond, Organist Assisted by The College Choir (One Hundred and Forty Voices) and the Second Congregational Church Choir of Holyoke, Mass. (Fifty Voices)" Inside: five pages in program; back cover is pasted to the book and is unreadable.
ticket "Mary Lyon Chapel, Mt. Holyoke College Christmas Concert Friday Evening Dec. 16, [1904] 7.45 Floor Left F3 Floor Christmas Concert Evening Dec. 16 Jacobs. Springfield, Mass." The first clue that Carrie assembled this book at some later date, rather than as she went along; this is the ticket to the previous year's Christmas Concert, but she had it pasted on the same page as the 1905 Recital.
Sticker of holly leaves and berries Displayed over the program in the scrapbook.

Christmas Recital, 1904
front "Mary Lyon Chapel Mount Holyoke College Friday Evening, December 16, 1904 at Eight O'Clock Christmas Recital William C. Hammond, Organist Assisted by The College Choir Two Hundred Voices and the Second Congregational Church Choir of Holyoke, Mass. Fifty Voices" Inside: five pages in program; back cover is pasted to the book and is unreadable.
ticket "Mary Lyon Chapel, Mt. Holyoke College Christmas Concert Friday Evening Dec. 16, [1904] 7.45 Floor Left F3 Floor Christmas Concert Evening Dec. 16 Jacobs. Springfield, Mass." The ticket that went with this event.
front A Christmas menu card; perhaps part of a place setting? Displayed in the scrapbook with this program.
front A Merry Christmas card. Displayed in the scrapbook with this program.

Founder's Day Recital, 1905
front "Mount Holyoke College Mary Lyon Chapel South Hadley, Massachusetts Recital Founder's Day Wednesday Evening, November 8, 1905 7.45 O'Clock"
inside left Program of events.
inside right Program of events, continued.

1906 The School for Scandal
front "1906 The School for Scandal April 25, 1905" Performances by Bertha Barton, Ruth Chadwick, Elinor Cowan, Katherine Carpenter, May LaVene, Ethel Shaw, Margaret Wells, Anna Pettee, Lottie Bishop, , Belle Gleason, Jean Gretter, Ethel Anthony, Alice L'Amoreaux, and Elsie Hoyle

Song Recital, 1905
front "Mount Holyoke College Friday Evening, Dec. 8, '05, 7.45 o'clock Song Recital Mr. Clarence B. Shirley, Tenor/Mr. J. Angus Winter, at the Piano" plus a program of the performance.
inside left The words to the first part of the program.
inside right The words to the second part of the program.
ticket "Right F8 Floor Friday Evening Dec. 8" The ticket to the Song Recital.

Sixth Song Recital, 1905
front "Mount Holyoke College Tuesday Evening, October 10, 1905 Eight O'Clock Sixth Song Recital by Miss Julia B. Dickinson of the Vocal Department." Program listed on the front; inside and back are all the words to the songs.

Fifth Song Recital, 1904
front "Mount Holyoke College Monday Evening, April 18, 1904 Seven Forty-Five O'Clock Fifth Song Recital by Miss Julia B. Dickinson of the Vocal Department." Program listed on the front; inside and back are all the words to the songs.
ticket A plain blue ticket with a "31." on it. May be the ticket to this event, since they are paired in the scrapbook.

Service of Song, 1905
front "Mary Lyon Chapel Mount Holyoke College Sunday, April 16, 1905 at 7.15 P. M. Service of Song by the College Choir and the Second Congregational Church Choir of Holyoke, Mass." plus a program of events. The inside and back of the program has all the words to the songs.

Song Recital by Mme. Lillian Blauvelt, 1905
front "Mount Holyoke College Mary Lyon Chapel January 20, 1905 Song Recital by Mme. Lillian Blauvelt" plus a program of events. The inside and back of the program has all the words to the songs.