The Elizabeth Bailey Letters, 1955

[Postcard Mailer]


These letters were written from Elizabeth ("Liz") Bailey to her parents in Syracuse NY. In the winter of 1955, she is a freshman living in Wilder Hall, and is enjoying a busy social life, which included frequent skiing trips. She is also trying to figure out where to work in the summer. We learn the full name of her high school boyfriend Penny, mentioned occasionally in her 1954 letters: Penfield Sinclair. Liz continues to be busy with her job as class treasurer, SGA, and her outing club activities throughout the spring semester. In the summer of 1955, she works as a camp counselor at Camp Chateaugay in Merrill, NY. In the fall of 1955, she is a sophomore living in Mead Hall. She is writing much less frequently to her parents in the fall than she was writing in her freshman year.

The Images

All documents have at least a portion of the first page scanned, and comments about their contents are included below.

A Postal Card Written on Jan 5, 1955, from Elizabeth to her parents
front Postmarked Jan 5, 1955 12pm in South Hadley. Addressed to Mr and Mrs Alan Bailey, 107 Columbia Ave, Syracuse 7 NY.
back "Wednesday / Dear Mom & Dad, Just a card to let you know we got back O.K. It sure was great to see everyone again. I finished the book and will send it on soon. It was very good. Got the skiis [sic] allright. [sic] She hadn't sold them. I also found a man to put the bindings on so I'm all set. Our trip back was rather uneventful. We had to sit on our suitcases part of the way. We saw the freight train that was wrecked near Utica & that slowed us down an hour. Guess that's al for now. Jeannie Romig came back early Monday A.M. Love, Liz"

A Letter Written on Jan 12, 1955, from Elizabeth to her parents
envelope Addressed to Mr and Mrs Alan E. Bailey, 107 Columbia Ave, Syracuse 7 NY. Postmarked Jan 11, 1955 12pm in South Hadley. Liz's return address in the upper left corner.
page 1 Full contents of letter, though only the first page is scanned.

A Letter Written on Jan 21, 1955, from Elizabeth to her parents
envelope Addressed to Mr and Mrs Alan E. Bailey, 107 Columbia Ave, Syracuse 7 NY. Postmarked Jan 21, 1955 5pm in South Hadley. Liz's return address (Wilder Hall) is inscribed on the reverse.
page 1 Full contents of letter, though only the first page is scanned.

A Letter Written on Jan 27, 1955, from Elizabeth to her parents
envelope Addressed to Mr and Mrs Alan E. Bailey, 107 Columbia Ave, Syracuse 7 NY. Postmarked Jan 28, 1955 12pm in South Hadley. Liz's return address (Wilder Hall) is inscribed on the reverse.
page 1 Full contents of letter, though only the first page is scanned.

A Postcard Written on Jan 29, 1955, from Elizabeth to her parents
front A view of Abbey Chapel.
back Postmarked Jan 29, 1955 12pm in South Hadley. Addressed to Mr and Mrs A. E. Bailey, 107 Columbia Ave, Syracuse 7 NY. "Saturday / Hi! A new card for the collection. Forgot this in the letter - if you could send up two more sheets & pillowcases I would have to go to the laundromat only half as often. I keep forgetting to ask when I write. Wrote Mr. Rose yesterday & am getting everything caught up. Wend down to 8° above & set a new record for these-here parts. Ha. Love, Liz"

A Letter Written on Feb 6, 1955, from Elizabeth to her parents
envelope Addressed to Mr and Mrs Alan E. Bailey, 107 Columbia Ave, Syracuse 7 NY. Postmarked Feb 7, 1955 12pm in South Hadley. Pencil inscription on the envelope: "3800 a wk / 8 wks / 6c a mile - gas" Liz's return address (Wilder Hall) is inscribed on the reverse.
page 1 Full contents of letter, though only part of the first page is scanned.

A Letter Written on Feb 10, 1955, from Elizabeth to her parents
envelope Addressed to Mr and Mrs Alan E. Bailey, 107 Columbia Ave, Syracuse 7 NY. Postmarked Feb 17, 1955 12pm in South Hadley. Liz's return address (Wilder Hall) is inscribed on the reverse. Flap sealed with yellowed cellophane tape.
page 1 Full contents of letter, though only part of the first page is scanned.

A Postcard Written on Feb 13, 1955, from Elizabeth to her mother
front "Mount Tom Range"
back Postmarked Feb 14, 1955 12pm in South Hadley. Addressed to Mrs Alan E. Bailey, 107 Columbia Ave, Syracuse 7 NY. "Sunday P.M. / Dear Mom, Nancy Nutting called me tonight & she is not engaged. Where did you hear that she was? I guess Mrs. N. was quite disturbed by the rumor. Had a great time skiing yesterday & today. Love, Liz Will probably get package & your letter tomorrow morning."

A Letter Written on Feb 24, 1955, from Elizabeth to her mother
envelope Addressed to Mrs Alan E. Bailey, 107 Columbia Ave, Syracuse 7 NY. Postmarked Feb 1955 5pm in South Hadley. Liz's return address (Wilder Hall) had been inscribed on the reverse flap, but it's almost completely gone now. Flap sealed with yellowed cellophane tape.
page 1 "Dollars and Sense at Mount Holyoke" The scan only shows part of the 12x17.5" poster explaining how Mount Holyoke raises and spends money.
page 1 This appears to be the letter that was once in this envelope, though they came to me separated. Full contents of letter, though only the first page is scanned.

A Postcard Packet Written around Mar 3, 1955, from Elizabeth to her parents
front "Mount Holyoke College South Hadley Massachusetts" Addressed to Mr and Mrs Alan E. Bailey, 107 Columbia Ave, Syracuse 7 NY. Postmarked Mar 3, 1955 12pm in South Hadley. Liz's return address (Wilder Hall) is inscribed on the reverse flap.
inside Ten postcard views of the campus are enclosed, but inscription is only on one: "Howdy! Saw this in the bookstore the other day. It's ages old. The last picture was taken before Lakeside & Kendall were built. Thought you might like it for the collection. Working hard & not much time. I'll write a letter this weekend. Love, Liz P.S. Going over to Theta Zi [sic] House Dance with Tom Metcalfe this Sat. Also - I fixed up Edgy & Dick Dirks for same. ??? Liz" Liz was correct that the folder was old for 1955. The most recent image was Abbey Hall, built in 1939; and the image of Student Alumnae Hall had not yet been renamed to Mary Woolley Hall, which was done in 1945. Lakeside (Torrey Hall) was built in 1949, and Kendall in 1950.

A Letter Written on Mar 6, 1955, from Elizabeth to her parents
envelope Addressed to Mr and Mrs Alan E. Bailey, 107 Columbia Ave, Syracuse 7 NY. Postmarked Mar 7, 1955 12pm in South Hadley. Liz's return address (Wilder Hall) is inscribed on the reverse flap.
page 1 Full contents of letter, though only the first page is scanned.

A Letter Written around Mar 15, 1955, from Elizabeth to her parents
envelope Addressed to Mr and Mrs Alan E. Bailey, 107 Columbia Ave, Syracuse 7 NY. Postmarked Mar 15, 1955 12pm in South Hadley. Liz's return address (Wilder Hall) is inscribed on the reverse flap.
page 1 Full contents of letter, though only part of the first page is scanned.

A Letter Written on Apr 4, 1955, from Elizabeth to her parents
envelope Addressed to Mr and Mrs Alan E. Bailey, 107 Columbia Ave, Syracuse 7 NY. Postmarked Apr 4, 1955 12pm in South Hadley.
page 1 Full contents of letter, though only the front of the note card and its last page are scanned.

A Letter Written on Apr 11, 1955, from Elizabeth to her parents
envelope Addressed to Mr and Mrs Alan E. Bailey, 107 Columbia Ave, Syracuse 7 NY. Postmarked Apr 11, 1955 5pm in South Hadley. Liz's return address (Wilder Hall) is inscribed on the reverse flap.
page 1 Full contents of letter, though only the first page is scanned.

A Letter Written on Apr 18, 1955, from Elizabeth to her parents
envelope Addressed to Mr and Mrs Alan E. Bailey, 107 Columbia Ave, Syracuse 7 NY. Postmarked Apr 18, 1955 5pm in South Hadley. Liz's return address is inscribed on the reverse flap.
page 1 Full contents of letter, though only the first page is scanned.

A Letter Written on Apr 24, 1955, from Elizabeth to her parents
envelope Addressed to Mr and Mrs Alan E. Bailey, 107 Columbia Ave, Syracuse 7 NY. Postmarked Apr 25, 1955 12pm in South Hadley. Liz's return address is inscribed in the top left corner. Pencil inscription on the envelope: "10 - Skinner"
page 1 Full contents of letter, though only part of the first page is scanned.

A Postcard Written around Apr 29, 1955, from Elizabeth to her mother
front Red roses
back Addressed to Mrs A. E. Bailey, 107 Columbia Ave, Syracuse 7 NY. Postmarked Apr 29, 1955 12pm in South Hadley. "Dear Mom - Ran out of new Holyoke cards so thought this would add a little variety. 13 kids from Wilder got in Mead, our first choice dorm. We have a very nice first-floor room with 3 big windows! All in all we're very lucky. Got a blind date at DKE Saturday & tons of work to do. Love, Liz"

A Letter Written on May 2, 1955, from Elizabeth to her parents
envelope Addressed to Mr and Mrs Alan E. Bailey, 107 Columbia Ave, Syracuse 7 NY. Postmarked May 3, 1955 12pm in South Hadley. Liz's return address is inscribed in the top left corner. Pencil inscription on back of the envelope: "@ 1:45 R 213 / @ 1:00 R 322 French Lucy / @ 12:00 Cafeteria"
page 1 Full contents of letter, though only the first page is scanned.

A Letter Written on May 12, 1955, from Elizabeth to her parents
envelope Addressed to Mr and Mrs Alan E. Bailey, 107 Columbia Ave, Syracuse 7 NY. Postmarked May 12 1955, 5pm in South Hadley. Liz's return address is inscribed in the top left corner.
page 1 Full contents of letter, though only part of the first page is scanned.

A Letter Written on May 21, 1955, from Elizabeth to her parents
envelope Addressed to Mr and Mrs Alan E. Bailey, 107 Columbia Ave, Syracuse 7 NY. Postmarked May 23, 1955 12pm in South Hadley. Liz's return address is inscribed in the top left corner.
page 1 Full contents of letter, though only part of the first page is scanned.

A Letter Written on Jun 25, 1955, from Elizabeth to her parents
envelope Addressed to Mr and Mrs Alan E. Bailey, 107 Columbia Ave, Syracuse 7 NY. Postmarked Jun 27, 1955 pm in Merrill NY. Liz's return address is inscribed on the back flap. A note inscribed on the back: "Please look for my Social Security card & send it up soon. Thanx"
page 1 Full contents of letter, though only the first page is scanned.

A Letter Written on Jul 7, 1955, from Elizabeth to her parents
envelope Addressed to Mr and Mrs Alan E. Bailey, 107 Columbia Ave, Syracuse 7 NY, with corner card for Camp Chateaugay. Postmarked Jul 8, 1955 pm in Merrill NY. Liz inscribed her name above the corner card.
page 1 Full contents of letter, though only part of the first page is scanned.

A Letter Written on Jul 7, 1955, from Elizabeth to her parents
envelope Addressed to Mr and Mrs Alan E. Bailey, 107 Columbia Ave, Syracuse 7 NY, with corner card for Camp Chateaugay. Postmarked Jul 8, 1955 pm in Merrill NY. Liz inscribed her name above the corner card.
page 1 Full contents of letter, though only part of the first page is scanned.

A Letter Written on Jul 11, 1955, from Elizabeth to her Aunt Hattie (Harriet Feary)
envelope Addressed to Miss Harriett L. Feary, 43 Brighton St, Rochester NY, with corner card for Camp Chateaugay. Postmarked Jul 13, 1955 pm in Merrill NY. Liz inscribed her name above the corner card. Inscription on reverse flap: "Sealed with Cepacol"
page 1 Full contents of letter, though only part of the first page is scanned.

A Letter Written on Jul 13, 1955, from Elizabeth to her parents
envelope Addressed to Mr and Mrs Alan E. Bailey, 107 Columbia Ave, Syracuse 7 NY, with corner card for Camp Chateaugay. Postmarked Jul 13, 1955 pm in Merrill NY. Liz inscribed her name above the corner card.
page 1 Full contents of letter, though only part of the first page is scanned.

A Letter Written on Jul 16, 1955, from Elizabeth to her parents
envelope Addressed to Mr and Mrs Alan E. Bailey, 107 Columbia Ave, Syracuse 7 NY, with corner card for Camp Chateaugay. Postmarked Jul 18, 1955 pm in Merrill NY. Liz inscribed her name above the corner card. Inscription on the back flap: "Have gone with Ballard's to their new house - won't be long - Mae"
page 1 Full contents of letter, though only part of the first page is scanned.

A Postcard Written on Jul 28, 1955, from Elizabeth to her parents
front Addressed to Mr and Mrs Alan E. Bailey, c/o Mr Leonard Baker, 888 Beacon St, Newton Center, Mass. Postmarked Jul 28, 1955 pm in Merrill NY.
back "Thurs. / Dear Mom & Dad, Enjoyed seeing you so much. Hope you had a good trip & got Tom off O.K. Yesterday was our first really rainy day. Was quite restful for us. Today we're hiking to Tanager Lodge with the kids - 10 miles - hope we get them all back. Tomorrow is my day off. Hope to go climbing with Ann Hatch. Hoping the good weather holds. Give my best to all the Bakers & have a wonderful trip. I'll write Tom today. Love, Liz"

A Postcard Written on Aug 1, 1955, from Elizabeth to her parents
front Downtown street view of shops and traffic. The reverse identifies this as Main Street, Malone, NY.
back Addressed to Mr and Mrs Alan E. Bailey, c.o Wilfred M Price, 1159 W Water St, Elmira NY. Postmarked Aug 2, 1955 pm in Merrill NY."Mon. P.M. / Dear Mom & Dad, Recognize this scene? Thanx for the two postcards & keep them coming! Everything is fine - this is probably our busiest week. Carnival Day on Thurs. & we have Services Friday. All my best to all the Prices. Our kids hiked to Tanager Lodge last week. Great place! Love, Liz"

A Letter Written on Aug 8, 1955, from Elizabeth to her parents
envelope Addressed to Mr and Mrs Alan E. Bailey, 107 Columbia Ave, Syracuse 7 NY, with corner card for Camp Chateaugay. Postmarked Aug 9 1955 pm in Merrill NY. Liz inscribed her name above the corner card.
page 1 Full contents of letter, though only part of the first page is scanned.

A Postcard Written around Sep 7, 1955, from Elizabeth to her parents
front Mary Woolley Hall
back Addressed to Mr and Mrs A. E. Bailey, 107 Columbia Ave, Syracuse NY. Postmarked Sep 7, 1955 12pm in South Hadley. "Dear Mom & Dad, Sorry, no new cards this year. Package arrived, as well as letter. We're still quarrentined. [sic] Could you get something for Joyce? $5 or so, something nice - I'll pay. 3 meetings to go to tonight. Expect more later & I do too. Love, Liz"

A Postcard Written around Oct 13, 1955, from Elizabeth to her parents
front Mount Greylock Memorial Beacon in the Berkshires
back Addressed to Mr and Mrs A. E. Bailey, 107 Columbia Ave, Syracuse 7 NY. Postmarked Oct 13, 1955 12pm in South Hadley. "Mountain Day was Tuesday. Greylock was quite a climb. I'm sure sore from it but we made it to the top of the tower. Wonderful day. L."

A Letter Written on Nov 17, 1955, from Elizabeth to her parents
envelope Addressed to Mr and Mrs Alan E. Bailey, 107 Columbia Ave, Syracuse 7 NY. Postmarked Nov 18, 1955 12pm in South Hadley. Liz's return address (Mead Hall) is inscribed on the back flap. Inscription in top left corner of the envelope: "37.35 + 10 Xmas = 47.35"
page 1 Full contents of letter, though only the first page is scanned.

A Letter Written on Dec 10, 1955, from Elizabeth to her parents
envelope Addressed to Mr and Mrs Alan E. Bailey, 107 Columbia Ave, Syracuse 7 NY. Postmarked Dec 12, 1955 12pm in South Hadley. Liz's return address (Mead Hall) is inscribed on the back flap.
page 1 Full contents of letter, though only part of the first page is scanned.